
Holy hatespeech in the greys... Let’s not engage, people.

As someone who has worked as a proofreader, let me tell you that we are the first to go when there are budget cuts. People just think “Oh, Ed’s a great writer so he can just go over it himself,” or “Janet has final say over what gets printed so if there are any mistakes, she’ll find them.” No one acknowledges how

I mean, there are people (sometimes more than one) at a newspaper/magazine whose SOLE job is to catch shit like this.

Sorry, no. It’s entirely possible that there were multiple women involved. Especially if this was an alternative cover done on a short deadline or something. It SHOULD have been caught way early on, and it never, ever should have made it to print, but when the headline is about women and the thing is bright pink,

One wonders if there are no women in the Express newsroom or, if there are, were they either unfamiliar with the gender symbols or simply curious to see how it would all play out?

Seriously love these panties. I used to buy VS panties until my sister was like “you should try Aerie” and as I was already well past 22, I was like, “I’m too old for that shit” but I did give it a shot. They are really nice for the price and the boyshorts were basically the only pair of panties I wore during my

Seriously love these panties. I used to buy VS panties until my sister was like “you should try Aerie” and as I was

I’m a native southerner too, have spent time in multiple parts of the country and I don’t agree that the police here are worse, at least not anecdotally. The police are pretty much equally terrible everywhere, in my experience. it seems to come with the territory of “wanting to be a cop.”

I’ll tell you who would watch the vide and think...”well, that seems reasonable...” Racist people who consider anyone with dark skin, raging animals, who should be treated like sub-humans and not afforded any human decency...which is EXACTLY how the Officer acted...and those thoughts and actions are what the police

Tsk tsk, scapegoating the south lets the rest of the country pretend this doesn’t happen in their own back yards!

The fucking barrel roll was enough to tell me that. Cops came wanting to crack heads and play Rambo. Teenagers at a pool party? Give me a fucking break. There would be no incident here without dick-swinging cops playing like they were in Fallujah.

I watch that video and I marvel at the police officers’ total lack of interest in de-escalation. They were looking to rough up and arrest black kids. End of story. These were kids. In bathing suits. The initial call out was for suspicion of trespassing and when officers arrived there was no violence going on. The

I’ve already seen that video before and being black I’m not exactly shocked by cops behaving badly.

Specifically, it’s good that she’s suing.

Thank you. We’re all messy and complicated and have conflicting impulses and motivations, and I don’t think understanding his would have any significant impact on understanding the crimes themselves. People do fucked up evil shit sometimes and there’s nothing particularly relevant about the why.

We’re not imagining any evidence; we are taking into account the fact that he established a somewhat elaborate network of deception in order to coerce women into thinking there were job opportunities available for them so they would submit to a guy they otherwise wouldn’t. There’s an entire sub-genre of porn born of

That actually is rape, legally speaking. You are misinformed.

Says who? Where are you getting this idea?

There is nothing ridiculous or one dimensional about suggesting that a man who repeatedly deceived, manipulated, and likely drugged women in order to rape them likely did it because he likes violating and raping people.

Lee Daniels is an asshole who (along with Ilene Chaiken) trafficked in the worst #LGBTQ tropes on Empire and rendered that show unwatchable. He also called #OscarsSoWhite reprehensible so he can go fuck himself.

If you stop to think about it, the farther back you go in time, the less likely that is to be true.