Hard pass.
Hard pass.
I’m not going to let you site calories as the concern if you’re talking about bacon as your preference. You can say carbs, if you’re one of those Amstel light motherfuckers, but I won’t accept calories.
Besides, you counteract the sleepiness of the carbs by drinking heinous and unhealthy amounts of coffee. Then you…
Plus the whole “seduction” was basically that one scene where Anakin and Palpatine are watching Cirque du Soleil and Paplatine tells this “I knew a guy who knew a guy who said someone was so powerful with the dark side they could cheat death.”
But he never actually showed him any evidence of that. His promise was that “Oh if you embrace the dark side you can become so powerful you can even cheat death.” And Anakin just took it at face value without Palpatine doing a single thing to show the validity of his “dark side=more power” boast.
Re: that CGI, it’s hands down the biggest problem I have with the prequels (no small achievement, given how poorly executed).
No because you’d have to basically redo the whole damn thing because there really isn’t a single thing from the prequels that would be worth keeping in a rebooted series.
Oprah swoops in with the namedrop: “That’s what Maya [Angelou] always used to say to me. Yes.”
Constructive criticism and how to handle it does need to be taught but the angry black woman or a kid calling my kid’s artwork ugly aren’t worth replying to. It’s why trolls who go personal or racial at me, don’t touch me because I have no fucks to give for someone who think’s that behavior is okay.
It’s cool, because I did think about the issue of black womanhood being finally celebrated in some sort of main stream way, and that is something amazing. So I get it. It’s both really.
I would not blame her one bit if she were angry.
Okay please sit all the way down. Blacks protest violence ALL THE FUCKING TIME. But you likely live in a world completely insulated from black churches,black neighborhoods and civic institutions — and get your news from white writers who do not cover anything about blacks except crime stories. You know nothing about…
Did talented and kind escape you? As a woman who of partial North African descent, who was mocked and bullied in childhood for having large lips (‘bongo lips’ was the insult if you must know), and unconventional colouring, hell, yeah, I’m going to value a Black woman’s beauty. And shout it from the rooftops.
How do I reset my brain to think that way?
Haha you got me, I’m jealous.
Because it’s a fun dance song for fun and dancing.
“I have rhythm”
I’ve become my Dad. I don’t know any pop songs and only ever heard of the super-famous pop stars like Beyonce and Bruno Mars since he did the Super Bowl, and Lady Gaga and Justin Timberlake ‘cos they’re on TV all the time.
I never knew what that “7 Years” song was called, but it plays every time I’m at the gym, and I hate it. Who the fuck tells their eleven-year-old to go out and find a wife or he’s gonna be lonely?