
RIGHT? Thank you.

Nothing new. They want to be us, but they don’t want our burden.

Man, I’m a defense attorney and spend all day every day fighting for the due process rights of accused criminals, including rapists. Nobody is saying crimes should be adjudicated by secret tribunals. These dudes are suspended from playing a fucking football game. They haven’t even been expelled from school yet (their

I mostly agree with you, but I thinking “ruining lives” is really overstating the impact of a one-year football suspension. And for most rape/sexual assault cases, there will never be that “proof” you’re looking for. I mean, the facts of this case are out. Several players had sex with this girl. She says it was rape.

This would be some of that fake news we keep hearing about?

Do they know each other? Was this email sent out of the blue? Who emails a stranger asking for their political opinion? Is this how Hollywood works?

Geez. I really lik Aubrey Plaza so I’m going to try and not read into this very much, but she probably could chill a bit. Chrissy also could chill. And uncle probably shouldn’t have waited until a flight to watch his nieces movie.

Yeah, the issue you have is that if Tilda Swinton is whitewashing a character, the “solution” is for Tilda Swinton to not whitewash that character, but that’s problematic because then Tilda Swinton is not getting what Tilda Swinton wants.

Anytime I see someone say “being white had nothing to do with this situation,” my ears perk up because being white almost certainly had something to do with the situation. That’s one step removed from “I don’t see color.”

Hey, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Just wanted to offer a little wisdom that a friend of color offered me, re: your wanting to talk about race and feeling that your experiences are unappreciated/being told that your views are illegitimate and/or biased.

I don’t know. But I am fairly certain that Ms. Teigen is either wearing Butter lipstick from NYX, Naturally Transformed from MAC, or another fave from Byte, Honeyheat. With a slightly darker lipliner and a gloss over it. That’s my contribution.

Black dude here. I think one of the reasons we say “white person doesn’t get it” it is because unless you have immersed yourself in the culture, the people, and traditions it really is hard to get it. In America white culture is presented as the norm (TV, movies, magazines, politics for the most part) so different

a rich white woman asked an asian woman she isn’t close to to explain how something is racist to her and how to solve the problem. if you don’t see the issue with that, I don’t know what to tell you. you have all the power of the internet to figure out why that is a really ignorant and shitty thing for someone to do,

The way I see it, there are a lot of parallels between this situation and the situation of a guy pulling aside a woman at work and asking her “could you explain this ‘feminism’ thing to me? I want to do the right thing but I haven’t heard much about these ‘microaggressions’ and ‘intersectionality’ among my white male

She is also falling into the old habit of saying “I want to have a conversation” when what she means to say is “I want you to tell me that what I am doing is okay.”

1) really not outraged.

I’ve been reading several responses to this and I am definitely seeing it now. It’s the insidious kind of “I’m a woke white person” stuff that gets in the way of actually making progress.

I am also white. It seems like maybe Cho was being nice and diplomatic instead of saying what she really thought. It seems like Tilda was honestly trying but also trying to promote the movie and say how it is actually okay. Maybe Cho viewed in negativity in hindsight because she felt like she couldn’t say her real

Cho’s view doesn’t make Swinton sound malicious at all. I’d say that’s some white fragility afoot. Chi portrayed Swinton as a hapless white person trying to make themselves feel better about some whitewashing she participated in. The emails don’t contradict that. Swinton just goes on and on about how the whitewashing

Maybe it was unfair, but also unfair that roles are regularly rewritten and given to white actors, and no one is ever actually responsible for this. Cho’s fed up, and I get why.