
I would order the hell out of an Impossible Whopper because Burger King’s normal beef tastes terrible.

It’s not that rare for people to have conditions that could be effected by a vegan meal. For example, ulcerative colitis (high fiber foods can be a trigger for this auto-immune disease) and diabetes (plant based foods are high in carbohydrates, which turn into sugar in the body).

I do know women in the trades, actually. Not many women, but those women that choose to work in the trades make a lot of money. So, yes, if the pay gap is such a problem then women can make great money and get union-protection if they join a trade.

LOL at the idea that women in high income households clean their own homes. They hire domestic workers to do it, and hopefully they are paying the workers fairly and not exploiting them.

Everyone at the wedding is probably eating something they don’t want to eat. It’s not a restaurant, it’s just catered food.

Tortilla chips and hummus is bad? Bread is good without spread, too! Just a little olive oil or vinagrette much better than any commercially produced spread. Nothing wrong with plain bread, either, unless it’s a gross bread with dough conditioners and preservatives.

Maybe you are calling more attention to your diet than you realize?

I would tell you, but I can’t remember.

According to Google:

What do you do when visiting states without tip base wages (like California or Washington)? When the staff is getting a normal minimum wage do you just skip the tip? I still tip, but it feels very unfair to all the other minimum wage workers.

This is the only good comment. The rest of this is like reading Splinter.

Wouldn’t that trolling would work better if you didn’t say “honest question”? Or maybe it does work because your intended audience is not actually the person you are questioning?

Your comment conjured a distinct olfactory memory of Tiger’s Milk bars. Gross.

Obama was re-elected by a landslide, so I don’t think the problem is his “failure” to bring hope and change. The problem must be with the Democratic party. Why does everyone try to blame everything on Obama?

That’s not what boomers sound like. Either a millennial or Gen X.

You keep making comments accussing cdwag14 of being a crack user? Seeing as how that accusation historically has racial implications, would you please clarify the meaning of your statement?

If $15 an hour is too little, what wage would you consider an appropriate minimum wage?

What if we eliminate tipping in exchange for paying all servers minimum wage? That seems more fair than tipping certain service workers and not others.

Almost no one commenting on the Takeout understands either arithmetic or economics.

We think it’s okay because it is okay.