
I went out with a woman last year who told me on the date she’s a Dave Ramsey disciple, said she expected anyone she dated to be debt free and would want to know my entire financial situation by date 3. She practically dove away from the check when it showed up. Then suggested I buy us Astros play off tickets for

Maybe he liked her personality?

The bros who threw down more money (these were cocktails, a dollar adds a lot of percentage points) thought they were entitled to more attention/free drinks or snacks/her phone number/ smile.

There’s black gal who doesn’t take shit and then there’s black gal who won’t shut up in the movie theater.

The armchair therapist in me thinks most of these commenters are young professionals riding high on the current job market. One good recession should be able to teach them a little humility and empathy for others-not to mention financial accountability.

Hurricane never said she doesn’t tip 20%.

I did miss it, my apologies.

It weird to see someone who is gleefully bullying people while riding a high-horse about making the world a better place.

Thanks for nothing, then, Tip Warrior.

It is in the comments of the article reviewing the Ceasar’s Palace buffet. He made a joke about Caity Weaver’s article being better, the author didn’t appreciate the joke and then a couple of racists started attacking him. Obviously he is witty enough to fend for himself, but I wonder why none of these Tip Warriors

Uhhh, yes, absolutely. I don’t really hang out with people who do much of that at all, but yes I call them out if they say racist, sexist, etc. shit.

That’s just a way of saying you think the lower social classes should earn less money than the middle social classes.

As soon as poor people get money it starts falling out of their pockets.

Who shares a tab with someone instead of just picking up the check? Poor people?

Class insecurity.

What about cities where serves make the same minimum wage as everyone else?

Couldn’t resist reading that exchange on Takeout. Those guys are unhinged, but you handled them well.

LOL at Tipping Heroes (tm)!

Yeah, I don’t care for the sensation of MSG-it lights my brain up like a pinball machine, but my mouth finds it off-putting.

Yeah, some of this is just bullying under the guise of politics.