
You must have missed my comment above.



I kind of like that joke….

I just started watching Wrecked. Should I stop?

This is a good show.

Favorite part of hers? The grandmother from Milan, if only for "Would you like to stay forever?"

Someone going from politics to show business? That seems backwards.

Thor 2 seemed so much longer than that.

And they've already got bald covered with Nebula.

You could break someone's nose with a well-placed hit when they're not wearing a helmet, too. I'm not sure the helmet makes the nose more vulnerable…

I was there too! Such a great show.

The guy who yelled at Han Solo about Kanja Club or something.

Well, at least we're not criticizing that HBO slavery show before we know anything about it.

Between this and Bond, maybe we should wait to publish articles until all the facts are in. No? Not an option? Okay, carry on.

Unfortunately, that's our universe.

Slightly related: why didn't Finn shoot his blaster over the targets' shoulders or something? He had to know it would be inspected afterwards.

"20 years"? I think you forgot a decade.

No one is powerless to take steps to reduce his or her carbon footprint. Corporations or the US government might be less inclined to do so than a decade ago, but there's no reason individuals have less power to do so than when the first movie came out.

I usually use Excel when I need a calculation, even a simple one, performed.