
Don't worry, by tomorrow, no one will remember or be able to find your comment.

He's pretty good in The Departed. Not the best actor in the movie, by any means, but he's pretty good.

I think you misunderstood my question.

Jon is Dany's aunt? This parentage is weirder than I thought!

He's a Lannister now, too?

He still would have fallen from the same height.

Norwegian Ice Dragon?

If you're a millennial, why do you know what bran is?


Ah yes, the Law of Conservation of Outrage. One of the major contributors to the internet's short attention span.


I liked The Incredible Hulk, though…

That's sort of what the article was about.

If I skip the entire show, after watching DD and JJ and LC, am I fine to watch The Defenders?

I saw all of that. It was…not your best work. For your sake, I hope that's the case.

Well, of course Trump isn't going to fire this guy!

Those 26 new comments musy not be very good.

I'm pretty comfortable with the House-Senate balance in terms of representation, but I understand why some aren't.

Jackson essentially ran for a third term, except he was just the puppeteer at that point.

Would you support deep-sixing the Senate as well, in favor of a unicameral legislature? The Senate and Electoral College are based on the same principle.