
I'm pretty sure Nixon would have tried, if he had had the chance. That dude loved running for president.

The electors have every right to ignore who's won the popular (national) vote…. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you.

Bold move, Teti!

I haven't watched this show, but the picture at the top, when it was a thumbnail on my phone, looked like Nighthawks. Thought everyone should know!

This is disappointing, because Short Term 12 was so good.



I don't think a musical version of a non-musical movie really qualifies as a remake. Not supremely original, of course, but not a remake.

Well, that's probably because he's a geologist, not a geographer, despite the headline.

Why is this geologist describes as a "geographer" in the headline?

Ah, thank you. I'll have to revise the one thing I know about French.

And turn the light off when you leave a room!

I think you made the wrong choice.

Guam (and NMI) is quite a bit closer than any populated area of Alaska.

I don't have desire to see them, but the Hunger Games franchise has 73 prequels ripe for development.

My "next to nothing" consists solely of the info in my comment, so I have no idea what this means.

I know next to nothing about French, but isn't the "ée" ending usually female? Like in "fiancée" or "Renée" (as opposed to "fiancé" or "René")?

It seemed pretty obvious that this was going to happen. I've been hoping the advent of more streaming sites means Blockbuster-type stores will make a comeback.

Will mustard on my face make people listen to me? As a corndog, I think I could pull it off.

Why doesn't Batman dance anymore?