
Summer is probably a wight, right?

Well, if the immigrants Trump is afraid of were Dothraki actually invading the country…he might have a few more supporters.

I don't mean to take the enjoyment of the joke away from you, but that's an age-old hockey joke.

*couldn't care less

(I think) the only blood was accidental, caused by Cillian Murphy.

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you have a misplaced colon in your header caption. Please see a doctor.

For some reason, they didn't mention the flare between Batman and Aquaman this time as being urine.

I agree.

Or at least change it to a sigil.

She still needs to get to the mainland.

He works for Hormel.

I'm sorry for taking some of the punch out of your joke by explaining it.

It is a joke you don't get.

Silly now, silly forever!

Ah yes, truth: Joes' opinions on topics that are inherently subjective

Sears now, Sears forever!

Well, aren't you condescending!

That take is too hot.

Well then you may not know that Simon of Legree is the wicked king of Kentucky.

I haven't had Hulu for a while, so that checks out!