
Have you seen Fargo and Happy Endings and Community? If so, it's probably not worth it unless you're into the Criterion Collection.

And when Keaton takes his elephant mask off, he's revealed to be Johnny Depp.

And yet, I think he thinks "lusty" means "lustful ".

By taking him flying.

Even putting aside the religious influence, I'd say the Bible is in the top three most influential pieces of literature, along with the Homeric epics and Shakespeare's plays.

I'm glad it's not actually that.

What's the other option? "Ree-an"?

Nation-wide forest fire problem initiated.

*another sequel to Planes!

My vote is for Tangled!

It's dark, but I wouldn't say it's depressing. But that's subjective, of course.

After seeing him in Jagten (The Hunt), he's no longer just Hannibal in my eyes (as much as I loved Hannibal!).

Well, what he finds will be important. He's not expendable yet.

What if I want it more than the person who has it?

My biggest concern is why Whataburger stops at 96.

Well, his name is Samwell Tarly in this show, and he won't die yet because he hasn't done anything important yet.

I only watch movies for which it's all of the actors' first roles.

I didn't watch the episode, so I guessed "voodoo" for DD2.

We get Hornsby, you get Ryan Theriot. Deal?

Would that this hoodie were a time hoodie.