I can’t even fathom. My Aunt doesn’t remember thinking anything - adrenaline and survival instinct just kicked in. Impossible (and horrifying) to think about what would have happened to my Mom if it was her instead.
I can’t even fathom. My Aunt doesn’t remember thinking anything - adrenaline and survival instinct just kicked in. Impossible (and horrifying) to think about what would have happened to my Mom if it was her instead.
Not my story, but my Mother’s (and my Aunts). I have permission to relay.
I posted late sometime in one of the Halloweens of the pandemic blur but was inspired to post again because it feels like there aren’t as many this year? Getting the creeps already thinking about this.
I knew EXACTLY where you were talking about before you named the river. I lived up the mountain in Piney View for most of my life - my daddy grew up around Quinimont and Prince and we were always on New River. My boyfriend from my teen/early adult years and his cousins/friends used to party down there - boyfriend had…
Don’t do drug kids. 😬
The Black Dog
He still lives there and doesn’t mention anything, but his ever growing Buddha statue collection tells me he’s warding something off...
Thanks. I miss him a lot.
My brother died suddenly at the beginning of summer. He had recently remarried, and after the funeral, which took place on a beautifully sunny day that he would have loved, his widow held a gathering for family and friends. Her brother and his wife, whom I had only met briefly twice, were present. The sister-in-law is…
Your bitterness saved lives!
This is beautifully told, chilling and heartbreaking. . . even before the tragic ending, my heart ached for little smoochiebear and how girls are still routinely expected to sacrifice their own childhoods to raise little brothers and and to diminish their own light. . .
You left the cat behind????
I just posted about the our apartment ghost, but I also have another story via my mother in law.
Um, it’s literally trying to kill your husband?? Like, get OUT of there!! Also, you felt pure evil from the knife sharpener and you just…gave it away to someone else?! My god.
Ummmm ok but what exactly do you mean by “the maimed thing just comes back”?!? 😳
Okay, I’ll try to make a brief one that’s not as scary as others, just mildy interesting and mysterious. I’ll also preface this with - I am NOT a great writer.
Murder Suicide House
said this outloud “nope”
holy shit. Winner!