
Kobe Bryant used “Defendant” when checking into hotel rooms.

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Oh, and in case you haven’t seen this before:

Wow, that really got you going, huh.

Everything you said was rendered irrelevant when you called Hoosiers a bad sports movie. Two academy award nominations, AFIs fourth best sports film of all time, 88% on Rotten Tomatoes, Gene Hackman, Barbara Hershey, Dennis Hopper. You’re letting your partisanship cloud your judgement. Hoosiers is a great sports

Red Sox Fan Acts Like A Red Sox Fan

I learned long ago to subtract 3" from whatever a guy tells you on the internet. (Call me.)

Sticking up for someone who protected a child molester. Calls someone a retard. I see you as a person of great integrity.

“the judge from my sentencing paid too much attention to my priors”

This is the only correct answer. Fuck Jim Boeheim.

I choose to believe the committee left Syracuse out because Boeheim is a tremendous asshole, even by the NCAA’s standards.

Not knowing the rules and being dumb is the thing to be in America these days, apparently.

I thought it far more likely that the PCP was the drug making him even more paranoid and violent than he was at Florida.

They’re not getting rid of their spawn. They’re just sending them to finishing school. That’s where you learn n****r is pronounced “state’s rights” and f****t is pronounced “religious freedom”. They have the delicate sensibilities of their “wives and daughters” to consider.

Nothing Good ever comes from Cranston.

Basically, he’s using a 26 year old former player’s tragic death to needle the NCAA and its rules to help his own legacy. Regardless of how one feels about academic eligibility rules, that’s some classless shit. By bringing that up, he is helping to further define him by that scandal rather than the positive.

Jim Boeheim is a piece of shit. A Genuinely horrible person.

That’s seriously Boeheim’s takeaway from a young man’s death, that he’ll “be defined by one thing: a ten page paper”? Not by the type of person he was to his friends and family, or the kind of life he led when he wasn’t playing a game. What a dick thing to say, but I’d expect nothing less from that sour puss.

Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor

Dear Tom,