What were the odds that Mike would pick one of the only playoff series where Karl wasn’t the losing coach.
What were the odds that Mike would pick one of the only playoff series where Karl wasn’t the losing coach.
“So what if some priests are attracted to children? Who isn’t? This is just more of the liberal wussification of America.”
I assume the back surgery is an exploratory procedure in which they’ll be looking for something resembling a spine.
“You don’t need to teach out in the public all the time.”
In other news, Coach K’s doctors have revealed details of his planned back surgery: implant stem cells to see if he can grow a spine.
It seems to me that many white men find the idea of privilege to be offensive to their sense of fairness. If you’re taught implicitly by society that everything goes both ways and everyone is created equal... and you just happen to dominate as a group, the suggestion that you are benefiting from conditions that you…
I don’t barf at the points people are making.
Finely shredded lettuce, garbanzo beans, water chestnuts, and finely ground mild beef mush, with a complimentary Werther’s Original for dessert!
Just more proof that using Marijuana is a gateway to associating with the likes of the New England Patriots.
Clearly you haven’t met my phalanx.
“Whoa whoa! You can plan parenthood?”
I dont see anyone else making those catches on a regular basis
Usually when I hear a take like this, it ends with “Now, that Jordy Nelson, there’s a guy who plays football the RIGHT way.”
“Voting shall be based upon the player’s record, playing ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character, and contributions to the team(s) on which the player played.”
Counterpoint: Fuck Curt Schilling with a rusty drill in his bloody ankle hole. Until Bonds and Clemens get in (and even then) Nazi Curt should be left out.
The solution is easy: just don’t play the Giants. New England learned this: not playing the Giants was the key to finally winning another Super Bowl.
Understood. But I think you’re short-changing the impact the news still has on us. You don’t have to watch CNN of TV news to be surrounded by what it produces (see: the current Facebook controversy). If you control what information is disseminated then you control what people think and care about.
To me, this is the most alarming issue of anything he has done or has promised to do so far because all other issues will stem from it. If the media is restricted in covering him, and he thinks it’s okay to tweet his news and release self made videos, then he can’t be held accountable for anything he does: who he…
He’s Reggie with Archie’s hair.