
According to the Washington Times, Rider administrators sent students a survey asking which restaurant they would most like to see on campus.”

And they didn’t think to approve the restaurants on the survey first?
First winner is controversial because of their stance against LGBTQ, second winner doesn’t meet our school

I’m a fan of the game, but mainly for the gameplay and Final Fantasy references. I remember the Sephiroth, Cerberus, Colosseum and Beauty and the Beast fights from the earlier games but couldn’t really recall anything of the story.
The fact that they removed the Final Fantasy characters from KH3 really hollowed out a

That was my first thought after beating the Frozen level. That’s it? I ran around in the snow and mountains? No Ice Palace?

Do the Japanese appreciate the stories Square Enix create (like FF XV and Kingdom Hearts III?)
After FF XIII’s (in my opinion) mess of a story, I was hoping they’d improve.
It seems whenever I hear people reviewing Kingdom Hearts in the US it’s along the lines of, “the gameplay and visuals are fantastic but the story is

If they wanted their message to be received better they could’ve typed it out, spell-checked it and left out the curses. Now customers and corporate are more likely to read this scribbled paper and think these were just a bunch of stupid teenagers. Corporate would probably be less likely to follow-up with the managemen

You do fight Aranea Highwind, though? One of the more memorable fights of the game, I thought.

I’ll be the... 5th person to agree? I enjoyed the gameplay but the story was a mess. Running into the same with Kingdom Hearts 3. Square Enix needs to prioritize more of their staff into writers and project management.

Very nice read :)

Yeah, I probably should have. But I thought it was a pretty safe assumption KH3 was going to have Final Fantasy and Disney characters like the first 2. 

WHAT?! I didn’t know about this. My pre-order is on it’s way. The Final Fantasy characters were my favorite thing and main draw to purchase.

Playing through the Spider-man DLC and possibly playing through the main story a third time on top difficulty.

Are you talking about Shane Black?

Dee-druh Mon-je-doot

Disappointed when I saw it in theater. Sad when I recently gave it a second go on Netflix :(

You’ve never walked into a half-open stall that was occupied by someone pissing? It can be just a little awkward... 

Miss me?

So when is the appropriate time to speak out?

Due to difficulty, lost or bored?

I heard how great Resident Evil 4 was so I bought it.
First few minutes I found out you can’t move and shoot at the same time as enemies are approaching you. I tried one more time playing the game before giving it to my friend.
He didn’t even give the game a second chance.

If someone is getting the shit kicked out of them (and probably if you’re not a 50year old woman) yes, get involved.