
I’m also struggling to understand it.
Starfield Will Support One Of Xbox’s Best Features on the down low.”
”Starfield Will Support One Of Xbox’s Obscure Best Features.”

Woman. Not women.

It’s not “wizard.”

Follow up article on the person who dug up these tweets, maybe?

Different kind of cursing, maybe? 

Freakin give Radiata Stories some love, please.

I hope she gives him another chance. I’m sure she can change him <3

“I think she needs a little more attitude... by 10% or so.”

Never stated I was anti-choice.

You’re sharp.
I bet you’ve got a job in tech support.
Really lady killer.

Ah, my bad. I didn’t realize Destiny gamers and developers had become such a hot commodity. 

You can agree with something and still not want to hear about it.
I agree with most of the political crap my semi-conductor company feels like commenting on. I just don’t think having a 3-hour meeting during work hours or spamming it over social media is the smartest approach.

Odd topic for a company catering to a predominantly sexless male audience to have an opinion about. I wonder how Nintendo feels about Mississippi’s gun laws.

Meanwhile, two articles posted about Stranger Of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin... :/

REALLY? I assumed that the demo was cut up and the full game would be more filled in and cohesive. The game really just shows a Chaos kidnapping... then randomly has Jack show up in a field... and then he shows up to talk to the King with a crystal orb and two random dudes? What the hell.

I agree that Greg’s complaints are stupid. But I don’t think the Final Fantasy 7 Remake has ever been labeled “Part One.”

FF XIII is the game that killed gaming for me. After spending so much time and upon finishing that game, just felt, what have I wasted so much time on?
Took me a while to pick the controller back up again.

*couldn’t care less

Has he done anything in the past 10 years?