
Someone posted on here the different possible reasons for sexual exploitation of a child. Not all are associated with child porn.
And again, this article hasn’t given any information on the level of the situation or if the man is guilty.
You’re free to join the internet mob... but next week maybe Kotaku will post how

Reminds me of the video posted of a teacher pulling the mic away from an autistic child trying to speak in a Thanksgiving pageant. The internet condemned and threatened the teacher... until a few days later when the full video was released which showed the child having multiple speaking parts in the pageant and

I don’t think the problem is it not being the crowd’s thing.
The problem is it’s not Twitch’s thing.
If you designed a program to distribute Disney movies and people started using it to distribute Porn, it put’s you in an awkward position.

Um... yes? If a man was gaming in a thong... you expect the conversation to be about how well he is gaming?

Then Twitch becomes Pornhub...

I also graduated in 01. We are unquestionably old.

Not shocking, but I’d be surprised. I’ve only heard good things and praise from his interactions with fans at conventions.

If you’re too scared or have anxiety from telling someone “no” that’s on you, not on the other person. They shouldn’t have to go through a checklist because you can’t function in the real world without holding someone’s hand.
We are on a date, alone together in a room, are you happy? Comfortable? Do I have your

You’re a child. Grow up and learn how to take responsibility for your own choices.

Make sure it isn’t negative enthusiastic consent. It should be positive enthusiastic consent. And you should get that in writing, too.
I’ll have to let my significant other know we’ve been doing things all wrong.

So when I give consent now it has to be enthusiastic, too?

900$ for a flight in March to Osaka... hmmmmmm. Think it may be time for a vacation.

So you don’t want any security at the airport? Smart.

So what’s the difference between “normal security” and TSA security to you?
Just different pervs searching idiots that don’t realize transferring propane tanks and loaded guns might be a bad idea.

Gonna try to platinum Battle Chasers :D

I’m curious what the price range is on the compact apartments.
My aunt has a similar layout in New York above a deli and it surprises me how incredibly expensive it is.
For her price of rent she could mortgage a full house in another state.

Hope it comes to a console someday. I’d probably drop some money to try it out.


Thank you! Whenever I see a lesbian kiss on a TV series it’s unfortunately less of, oh, two people in a relationship kissed, cool. And more of a, damn, looks like the ratings are dropping or they’re aggressively trying to prove a point.
I look forward to the day when the hero can go save his dame (or damsel) in

But what about Korg and the Grandmaster’s sexuality?