Corgis For Days

THANK YOU. I was seriously affected by House of Leaves. I adored it, but I may never be able to read it again. It was like a fever dream.


There is infinitely more joy in reading comics about sex criminals than there is in going to the country club.

Oh, god, assholes like that make me want to commit violence. FUCK YOU, EXTROVERTED PREPPY SORORITY BITCHES. I BET I GET MORE PLEASURE FROM LIFE THAN YOU DO.

I sobbed without shame or self-awareness.

Now playing

I went to see Up the day after I'd been suddenly dumped by my boyfriend of nine months. I went in having seen the trailer, and looking forward to the funny talking dog. I needed a mood boost.

I tend to get really bad in the summer. I'll hide inside and sweat and cry and feel awfully guilty about missing out on the sunshine. It's a thing.

I fully admit to being that fucking dumbass who asked how long a footlong hot dog was.

The "Commercially Successful" part is what's frustrating. I can name a really phenomenal, should-be-a-novel fic off the top of my head, but it's not going to get published and it's not going to get big.

Noooo, Dean and Cas.

It's still in progress! I just ran into a small block and I'm genuinely having trouble thinking my way out of it. But most of the damn thing is planned out, in a map and everything, so that's helpful.

Dean/Cas, the OTP for even the most non-slash-writing of us. The story began out with Dean and a female character, but the chemistry between Dean and Cas is kind of inevitable.

This right here. I wrote fan fiction throughout my adolescence and have just returned to it recently to write a god damned slash fic (my first non-hetero story) about two of the characters from Supernatural. And my fic is a billion times better. Hell, the stuff I did in high school was a billion times better, and all


I understand that!! My advice there is to find some music—I find that electronica or post-rock can do wonders—that puts you into that deliciously dark creative mood, and then sit down at your computer and just write. Don't start at the beginning; start with the moment you're most wanting to write. Once you get

I'm in the middle of writing a fanfic that'll end up being novel length.

As a Jewish gal I am so fucking sick and tired of right-wingers using Israel as their little totem. They don't give a shit about the Jews who live there, never mind the Muslims or Coptic Christians or anyone else. STOP IT. STAAAHHHHHP.

Ahh, that was my problem, I tried to do the shortened URL. Thanks!

Applause.gif. I don't know how to embed GIFs in the new Kinja system.

Ugh, groooosssssss.