In recent weeks, an increasing number of people have reported that getting one of the covid-19 vaccines had an…
In recent weeks, an increasing number of people have reported that getting one of the covid-19 vaccines had an…
The problem I have judging this is that I aged out of the Book-It program right around this time so I can never be sure if it actually was better or if it’s just nostalgia coloring my opinion of the quality at the time.
I think I’m gonna go get a Subway tuna hoagie for lunch, to be perfectly honest.
I think you’re spot on! The lawsuit as a whole seems... fishy.
I call bullshit. This reminds me of the lawsuit claiming that Taco Bell wasn’t using beef in their tacos, which ended up being immediately withdrawn because they only wanted to know what was in them and lied about their “proof”. Taco Bell had to spend millions on damage control, which may also have been part of the…
I’ve never been to a Chipotle where the rice wasn’t practically raw, so I guess it’s no surprise they can’t get cauliflower rice right either.
I had been working for a healthcare agency out of a small office for a while when I first met “Jane.” Because we were working from new satellite branch of our agency (located near patients in rural areas and pretty far from our home office where meetings were frequently held, and without a full time supervising…
I can’t imagine being with someone with such poor hygiene. I had a friend who told me she never kissed her boyfriend because he didn’t believe in brushing his teeth (because it made his gums bleed...probably because he didn’t brush his teeth). And I just couldn’t figure out why she’d be with a guy whose mouth was so…
This!!! I used to get so sad and nostalgic over places i went with an ex, but I moved back to that city and now walk past old spots all the time and don't even think about it. This is MY FUCKING CITY!!! Rawr
Man, this one’s got layers.
I feel like this needs more details and stars.
Thanks for making baby Jesus cry.
Well, anyone who’s ever spent time in Philly knows the horror of the bathrooms at Dirty Frank’s. After banging in both of those, I decided to top myself by banging a guy in the alley out back. (Mind you, these bangings were spread out over several years, obviously I’m a very classy gal). But I don’t think it gets much…
I'm single and doing mostly fine.
If there is anyone who has fucked in a portal potty, I want their names, so I can pledge my allegiance to them if we experience a zombie apocalypse or somesuch. That takes true grit. No amount of drugs or alcohol can make that bearable. You just have to be an animal.
The only state I’ve ever been to where I thought “I get why everyone here does meth.”
Eew, I am sorry lol.
In one of Trump’s hotels.
What's sex lol.