
I’d like to see an article like this, but for friends who aren’t parents. I’m not planning on being a parent anytime soon, if ever, but I would like to know the best ways to support friends who are parents.

You wrote three paragraphs to complain about the length of the article? Clearly you’re a very important person.

Fuck yeah, scapes!

Have no idea if I’ll try this tip, but I’m definitely making some nachos and wings for the Superb Owl. I just need to remember to buy all the stuff.

I started my Last Pour Blend at the recommendation of my local bar-keep. Once a bottom gets down to its last pour, it goes into the blend. currently 3 strong, I am working on a few others that will make their way into the bottle soon. I might amend its name to  Last Pour - Infinity Blend based on your article

Um.. is an attempt to parody those dumb comments people always make about substituting things in recipes? No offense if not.

Important development: try it on a fried egg and bacon sandwich.

Perhaps take a step further and make cheese baconnaise? I mean, if you’re gonna DO a thing...

Or use my foolproof method: Don’t commit treason.

Will this also stop all of life hackers videos from auto playing too? Because that shit is down right annoying.

Came to say the same thing. Avalanche had that features as well as the Subaru Baja

You might want to add a mention of “zoning regulations.”

Most important is all the money one will save on chicken nuggets after the chicken dies and the kid no longer wants to eat chicken.

You might also want to find out if you are permitted to keep chickens. In many urban/suburban environments chickens (pets or not) are not allowed.

I really disliked the video autoplay.

You made a powder of the skin and your first thought wasn’t “Where is there a glass coffee table and a straw”? I am dissapointed.

but the excess skin and fat you find yourself with after butchering a piece of poultry is just as valuable.

Generally speaking, smaller pieces curl up/cup less and render more evenly, but produce less satisfyingly chip-scale gribenes. That said, small gribenes can be sprinkled over things in the manner of french fried onions.

Might I suggest another fat-infused alcohol treat: fried chicken vodka.

That's my rule in restaurants. Unless I have a craving for something, I never order anything I couldn't make at home.