
So you’re one of those assholes going downhill past my house at all hours of the night with a car that sounds like you’re at a shooting range

Those hips don’t lie.

I like to drive with the steering column height adjustment unlocked so I can enable another dimension while turning.

I’ll take a Datsun 510 or a first gen Celica.

I’ll take a brand new Grumman LLV, please!

Dear God, why on earth would you be posting unsolicited workout videos? Who wants to see that? There are three categories for workout videos: 1.) actual trainers giving instructional videos, 2.) a very select support group of people who are all working out together, and 3.) niche porn.

Easy solution...don’t post workout pictures on social media.  Oh you ran 5 miles this morning and posted your routeGuess what, no one cares.

I look forward to seeing what BMW develops. 

Oh my god! That’s disgusting! Naked pics online! Where? Where did he post them?

The Scirocco and Corrado, I used to see them all the time. I guess I kinda forgot about them.

Just be cool about it

This isn’t an airport, etc. You and whatever you “contributed” won’t be missed.

Ditch the 4Runner and get a CPO’d Mercedes E63 AMG Wagon - same energy as your C63 but a perfect daily driver and more storage space.

It will be so nice when people quit pretending that loud = fast.

Especially Mr. 3am Motorcycle McTinyDick.

Neutral : Dodge. It's what they're doing anyway. 

Typical guy, can’t find the bean. smh

Yikes. You might want to rethink your comment. 

Absolutely do not compost dog poop. This is terrible advice that no one recommends for a reason.

There’s something disturbing about Herman Miller office chairs in nature.

Correct and only take.

Correct and only take.