Corey Hopkins

Another hot take: Ben + Leslie > Pam + Jim.

I don't think the Prestige ending is a cheat at all, unless we have different definitions of "cheat". After watching multiple times, the whole thing holds together better than most of his movies tbh. You can even tell the difference between the Bordens in many scenes.

You're not!

I'm pretty sure this is meant to be the first in a series, and the first book was the shortest, so…

Because you are touching the gun itself (and not at the wood grips), which is hot from being fired so much already? I don't know anything about guns, but this was always my impression.

"What do you think this is, Griswold? Some kinda National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation?"

"Well John McClane, it looks like this time you're going to Die Hard…with a Vengeance!"

"It truly was a Shawshank Redemption."

That they aren't 2 and a half minutes of random scenes? People put waaaay too much on trailers these days.

I think Tedious and Brief would have been a much better title for S-Town. It would have at least been accurate, as opposed to the advertising.
"It's a murder mystery!"
Once you start listening, "It's about the search for John B's gold!",
At the end, "It's about, um, mercury poisoning? Look, we gotta keep pumping these

So I'll go ahead and disprove this theory with a list of characters the Resurrection Stone would have called back before Snape: Dumbledore (narratively doesn't work since he shows up in the next chapter), Dobby (if it works on non-humans), Cedric Diggory (who is used to this kind of thing), Mad-Eye Moody, Fred

I agree completely. Snape is morally ambiguous at best, but certainly not heroic at all. As a teenager he treated Lily like an MRA that got "friendzoned". Then as a young man he sold out some strangers (or so he thought) to wizard Hitler. Then in middle age he used his position of authority to mercilessly bully

Looks like I scrolled through to the dark half of the thread.

I think it was earned in GOTG. When the Collector talks about the orb, he mentions that a group of people could contain its power for a short time. Plus it sets up that Quill is part alien, which will probably pay off in the sequel.

Defeating Ronan with the power of friendship is one of the many things I love about this movie. ("You said it yourself, bitch. We're the Guardians of the Galaxy" gets me every time). But I also loved it in Star Trek Beyond when they beat the bad guys with the power of Beastie Boys.

Tim Burton

Just my drunken opinion.

Let me guess: He wants to play Agricola, but she's wants to play Star Wars: Rebellion.

I was once in a community theater play called "A Carol for Tiny Tim". It was about how Scrooge's generosity made Tiny Tim into a welfare queen when he grew up. The ghosts teach Tim to pull himself up by his bootstraps and get a real job.

Agreed. I watch this one every year. The definitive adaptation, in my opinion.