Corey Hopkins

I've always appreciated the contrast in mysteries between HBP and Order. In Order, Harry thinks he solved the mystery, but he makes a colossal mistake and gets Sirius killed. In HBP, Harry ends up being right about basically everything, and no one believes him.

He asks Harry if he did it in the book, just not so forcefully.

The cave, man. From start to finish, I have rarely been so unnerved as I was/am when reading that chapter. I'm getting the jibblies right now just thinking about it.

I totally agree. I think re-watching the sideways scenes knowing what they represent makes them that much better.


I've read and enjoyed them all many times. I loved the way the last three books led into each other. I even love the last book, how Roland (spoilers) loses companions one by one until it's just him and the tower, again.
And I think the secret ending fits perfectly with the overall theme of the series.
It's a helluva

I wonder what other great movies with terrible titles Tim Robbins has starred in…

Youth is wasted on the wrong people!