Damn you, AV Club. Quit cutting off coverage of the best shows while continuing to cover the ones every other outlet covers ad nauseam. What happened to you? *looks at website design* Oh wait...
Damn you, AV Club. Quit cutting off coverage of the best shows while continuing to cover the ones every other outlet covers ad nauseam. What happened to you? *looks at website design* Oh wait...
Welcome to the AV Club, my friend.
I’m going through making up my favorite albums of the year list and I just happened to stumble across this review. Good god, this was tough to read. I’m cool with people not liking things that I enjoy, but your reasoning is shallow at best, and there’s absolutely no way this sounds anything like Rented Worlds. I would…
I agree with this review far more than the reviews for individual episodes. It’s definitely Lee’s best work in ages.
Exactly. And now the Whisperer Arc is completely pointless. What a waste of a character in what is simply nothing more than a cheap attempt to raise the “stakes.”
Four weeks without pay is a rather aggressive punishment for such a minor error.
I’m so amused by all the Cosmere haters acting like this is some recent development. Sanderson has been planning it like this since he was young.
Of course A.V. Club is one of the only places to give this a moderately negative review. All of your complaints are what I enjoy most about Sanderson’s writing, as well, so this sounds like a winner to me. Will be picking it up immediately.
You’re about seven years too late with this complaint. Oh and Lindeloff is destroying science fiction now? Really? I feel like Lindeloff haters get more and more hyperbolic as time goes on.
How was the ending in any way a cliché? I’m seriously interested to understand the reasoning behind this assertion.
Album of the year so far for me. “In the Water” is quite possibly one of my favorite Brand New songs ever conceived.
The same has been happening to me. Was disappointed when I couldn’t make it go negative though. So much for a dislike substitute.
No, no, no. This isn’t right at all.
"I have eyes. I have the best eyes. My eyes are so powerful, when the sun looks directly into them, it goes blind." Donald Trump, probably.
Huh. I really enjoyed his role in Get Out. Found him genuinely creepy. Agree he's kind of miscast here though.
Hmm. Human Music. I like it.
I'm not really going to respond one way or another (since you obviously have strong feelings that I won't change with a block of text), but your username/comment synergy is certainly on point.
So, in other words, I won't be reading wrestling recaps anymore. No other site even comes close to delving as deep into the narrative and character motivations like the fine writers here. Everywhere else is just lazy, match-by-match recap. This is incredibly sad news for me and, from the comments below, others. Please…
In the book, she dies. I realize that doesn't exactly mean it's the same for the movie, but I'm just throwing it out there. Besides, most speculate that him checking his boots (presumably for blood) directly after that scene is a sign that he killed her.