
I'm not talking about the internet as a whole, I'm talking about the A.V. Club comment section, which is usually filled with more compassionate and intelligent people. Just seems like the tubes here are filled with more poo than usual, is all.

Perhaps, but tell me how a comment like "Another junkie kills himself. Natural selection at its finest" is indicative of anything other than being a horrible human being. Maybe I'm just letting the lack of empathy or compassion get to me too much, but damn it's hard to see comments like that and not feel blood-boiling

Wow, did I stumble into the TMZ comment section? Some of you people are literal human trash.

Woah, what a controversial opinion. I've definitely never seen anyone else complain about TDKR.

Joe was a jazz singer in Earth 2, not Flashpoint…

That's the only thing that brings me comfort, honestly. Now I get the appeal of cults…

I was in Pino's shoes too, which made me relate to him more than anyone in those last two episodes. It also had me pausing more than once to weep, but that's a whole different story. I agree, this show is just too real at times and, as much as I love it, I don't think I'll be revisiting this season for a little while.

If you think this is going to be canceled simply because you don't like it, well, there's just no reasoning with you then.

I seriously doubt you're the only one, but if you're looking for people to agree with you on here, I also doubt you'll find that many. The general consensus is that it's at least good (I think it's fantastic, personally), but I won't ridicule you for having an opinion.

As someone who just read the whole thing and am now weeping uncontrollably, you probably made the right decision.

If Tom Pelphrey doesn't get some awesome roles after the work he put in for Iron Fist, I will be very mad indeed. I can't overstate enough how much depth he brought to what could have (and probably should have) been a very one note character.

I watched it and it was substantially better than any episode in season 1. At times, I couldn't believe it was the same show. The acting is still just so-so, but the fights scenes were breathtaking and they're finally getting into some worldbuilding.

I love most of Ward's character arc. He's surprisingly a very complex character, and it's almost like he should have been in a different, much better show (even if I did enjoy Iron Fist, overall).

This thread now has over 200 comments. Can we stop pretending wrestling doesn't bring in enough traffic, A.V. Club? Give us back our glorious in depth coverage. I tried reading a Csonka review the other day and it just did not compare.

I like how two of those storylines are related to Big Boss Man, the closest WWE has ever come to a supervillain. Damn I miss that guy.

What an absurd assumption.

Woah I had no idea that Mr. O'Neal had such strong influence over elections.


Ah, to be young and optimistic again.

But… can't I just be angry and illogical instead?! No? Damn it, fine. For the magnificent coverage the three of you have put in, I'll stick around.