Corey Hagemann

I'm the same, but usually end up with Midnite Vultures on top. Pressure Zone might be my favorite song.

Some pomegranate mix to fill out the menu.

I had a Wisconsin-themed wedding last summer with not only three types of Old Fashioned as the featured drink, but also brats and cheese curds as appetizers.

Dairy Queen will always rule the chicken strip department.

Though I haven't read the book (my wife has and has explained a little), the idea many poor people have is that they will be rich by the time they're thirty. I teach third grade, and people only see the paths their parents take (I'm at a 95% free and reduced lunch school) or the celebrity/sports star route. They never

I was just thinking about how, in the teaching profession, a gap in scores between white and black students was recognized and (to varying degrees of success) efforts were made to correct this. In policing, it seems the profession had a similar finding (black people are convicted of crimes at a higher rate than white

While I think Huck Finn probably holds this spot for me, I'm surprised The Adventures of Augie March didn't at least enter the conversation.

It's very dark, but also so ridiculous that I laughed really hard at one prison break scene, almost in a defensive way.

I remember coming to a similar conclusion when, a few years ago, I saw the parents of a childhood friend working in a community garden that I was walking past. Even though they're fiercely Republican (only because they're gun nuts, I think, because the father has been in a union his whole career) they are actually

I thought I'm Going Away was their best overall album, though I haven't listened to much other than their first two and that one.

That whole paragraph has to be one of the best written pieces ever.

Black Gallagher bitch!

And the Nine Inch Nails' song "Starfuckers, Inc." references the original Simon song. Full circle.

The Bib Odenkirk character "Droopy" appeared in all four seasons of Mr. Show.

I was reading this a day late, and happened to see "The Reverse Peephole" while engrossed with the comments. Guess what Kramer is singing while reversing the peephole?

The fact that only 5% are already diagnosed may be indicative of problems with the stigma of seeking help.

It was the theme to the White Sox 2005 World Series run as well. When they mentioned that the guy was from Detroit, I was sure that was going to be part of the interview.

I remember it because I was on a church mission trip where no one could watch TV or have much to do with the outside world, but we were allowed to watch the chase, for some reason. I wasn't allowed to see the Naked Gun movies at the time, so I had no idea who OJ was or why it was important.

24 is the highest number.

He has a very good, very small part in Smoking Aces. In fact, you'd probably get more enjoyment out of his scene on repeat for an hour than from watching the movie.