Corey Hagemann

I remember them burning a substance that smelled like marijuana so that we could identify it.

I live within a mile of him. I saw him at Schnuck's once.

One time Donald Trump took me out for a drink. We drove around for a while, then parked in front of an empty lot. We waited there for the better part of a year until, sure enough, someone built a bar. We went in, had a drink, then Donald Trump burned the place to the ground and shouted "Always leave things like you

I'm going to throw Player Piano into the conversation, as it seems, barring an apocalypse situation, a post-scarcity society might be the hardest thing to deal with in the near future.

Tenacious D, Songs for the Deaf and Them Crooked Vultures.

Also known as the Rock model.

Not sure if this is the best place to put this, but Sebastian Gorka has been coming off pretty gross in the interviews I've heard on NPR.

NPR did a good report about why they don't use the word lie. Not sure I agree, but they made the point well.

I've read Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot multiple times, and I didn't own it until the late aughts.

I can only speak for Wisconsin, but there was some Koch-specific groundwork laid by Walker to turn the state Republican.

That episode is an homage to "Puerto Rican Day Parade," the Seinfeld episode of Seinfeld, right? It seems to be, but when the episode was brought up both in the article and in your comment without mentioning it, maybe I'm imagining it.

This is where my anxiety comes from. I spend 10-11 hours a day at the school where I teach 90% black and Hispanic/95% free and reduced lunch students, and I don't know if I should assume that they'll have a future and continue or cut down what I do there so that I have time to try to ensure they do, indeed, have a


I live literally blocks from our current Speaker, and I saw first hand how our state fooled themselves/were conned into a situation in which we were destined to go red. Gerrymander, destroy unions, suppress poor and minority voters—all from a guy who won three elections in four years.

He didn't Hail to the Chimp!

I think it will be Michelle leading the fight. She seems like she's had a boring eight years (compared to her time as a lawyer and the family's breadwinner.)

Happy Birthday, Kurt!

I teach third grade, and my students have been freaked out for two weeks straight if they walk to school.

I'm not a huge fan of This Is a Long Drive… or Cowboy Dan, so: