Is that a reverse Chris Paul?
Is that a reverse Chris Paul?
The whole “holding two titles” business is pathetic since he hasn’t defended his first belt in nearly a year. If you’re the champ, you need to at least put the title on the line a few times a year. Dana White doesn’t care if he lets featherweight feathers know that they’ve wasted a year climbing a ladder to a “out for…
Quality Italian not to be confused with across the street’s Cut-Rate Mexican.
Where’s Big Papi? Seriously, shouldn’t he be in this film being played by Mo Vaughn? And the cops saying, “How can the Sox win the series without Manny?”
Will George Lincoln Rockwell’s birthday be a federal holiday next year?
He’s got to force one of the kids to act like they’re extra sick and he needs to be with them in this time of family crisis.
Are we sure his response wasn’t, “Seattle.”
Must be because the Premiere League refuses to play the Star Spangled Banner before the game!
Anyone who willingly admitted to hooking up with Vanilla Ice is a minority.
Bill also sent that same letter to his divorce lawyer.
Great to see my State’s leaders wanting to bring back the Good Old Days. Dallas Woodhouse does like his German Shepherds.
Donald Trump is the only man to escape an assassination attempt that didn’t involve a weapon or an assassin in the history of the world. Bigly Yooooge figure.
I don’t mind helping people to the best of my ability, but some people expect miracles. During that last flood in Louisiana, I had a guy complain to me that his cable was out and he wanted it fixed that night. He had 8 feet of water in his front yard and was using a generator and a cellphone. He had the nerve to use…
Customers ought to be grateful when I don’t punch them in the mouth with their attitudes.
If the re-issue of Cop Rock on DVD (thanks to Shout! Factory) has proven that it dared to probe the question: why can’t you have musical numbers in a cop show? And having rewatched the show, the biggest failure was not enough musical numbers.
Two ham sandwiches after a mouthful of Koch.
Hey, you missed John Cusack and Bob Newhart as Superfans.
It would be ironic if he has a Million Dollar Baby ending at the end of this fight. Whose got the stool?
You are all so damn wrong: He’s Prince from Batdance. Gimme some treats!