
last year I saw Mike play against the Durham Bulls which was a “I’m old” feeling since I had seen his father play Cape Cod League and his grandfather playing for the RedSox.  After the game I went home and told kids to get of my lawn.

This was all about promoting their golf course deal in Dubai. It was nothing more than using this medal as a way to pimp the project.  

Ron Jeremy must be so pissed the toilet never came out.

I was told that when Oliver Stone showed up wanting him to do the score for “U Turn,” all Stone would talk about was how his movie was just going to be like a Sergio Leone movie - he was making it like Leone would. Morricone was so not amused by this talk that he found every musical cue that Leone rejected and handed

Please note that Trump and his father claimed they were Swedish for decades - it’s even in The Art of the Deal. How dare he think of questioning anyone’s heritage.

Is it mean to point out that Don Jr has child-bearing hips?

ex-Fox News superstar Bill O’Reilly couldn’t get hired at Trader Joes since they have a thing about hiring people with a history of making co-workers “uncomfortable.”

fan of the Red Sox outfielder?

Putting all my money on the Rutgers upset! 

Is he going to finally get to work for Tarantino?

No fans and waterboys on the sidelines at games will change this.

somebody ate too much honey and got stuck in a hole?

Can we just focus on how the first selection for Space Force is Red and Gold like a Soviet Commie rip-off of the NASA logo?

Pete’s final season perm was Mr Brady terrific.

I’ve never seen him in a fedora. 

Third best pro team in sad about USC’s fall from the top.

Didn’t these people at least have their names written on their underwear bands? I thought all people did that in the good old days.

THe bigger takeaway is how we live in a world where someone can rob you and the store owner isn’t on the hook for any sort of emotional recovery from that traumatic experience that could have ended the employee’s life. This worker is keyed up having been robbed recently. Did Subway offer any help. IS there a VHS of

Did they fire Hannity? And it took dozens of complaints and millions paid out before O’Reilly was booted and they’re tying to bring him back.

Amazing how fast a career can implode if you don’t have a gig on Fox News.