For the record: I am all for the de-regulation of cannabis, especially for medical purposes. But, it’s still illegal on a federal level.
Because it’s still illegal on a federal level. The NFL cannot simply, and knowingly allow their players to break the law. End of story.
Had Romo turned to dough-mo?
You are correct, Sir. Remember when he did this same shit with Buffalo a few years ago? Take the money and run the team’s season into the ground. I feel bad for NYJ fans.
I wonder what that does to the Patriots in the WYTS order, since they forfeited their draft pick in Round 1.
Nevermind (to be honest) I don’t give it a shit.
Nope, 100% Detroit Lions. Photo is near Ford Field, in Detroit...
Plus, remember the butthole eating thing. Jesus, you guys will never be freed from that.
The real question is: Will Lebron suit up and play QB for Cleveland? Honestly, it’s their ONLY legitimate shot at the playoffs.
I think Fitz is a great QB, and his best year by far was last season. IMO the Jets should wait him out as long as humanly possible to save that cash. Don’t make the same mistake the Buffalo Bills made with him years ago, by offering him a huge contract, where after signing he immediately shit the bed.
You’re 100% right, he could easily do that, and very well should. I mean that tattoo is abysmal—it actually has veins in it...
Tim is trying so hard to stay relevant.
1989 World Series, Candlestick Park earthquake.
Dizzy Bat FTW.
He will be courted by Rex Ryan to sign with the Buffalo Bills.
wow brutal
Remember when Klinsmann cut Dempsey from the USA’s World Cup team, because he was too old and not good enough... Just sayin’