This seems like normal adult behavior.
This seems like normal adult behavior.
In reference to the drinking alcohol to become sober:
If you think about it for a moment, we sort of live in this world already but instead of alcohol we require water. Symptoms of dehydration are as follows:
Barry FTW
This is funny. And, deserves more stars.
They combine at well over a metric ton.
+ 1
Does Seattle want McCoy? Buffalo’s last crime committing RB just retired.
The reality that we all know would implode. Orchard Park, NY is a flat circle.
As you know, a similar situation was unfolding in Buffalo last year. Thankfully, we were able to keep our Bills due to the deep pockets of the Pegula family. That purchase of the franchise lead to RECORD-BREAKING sales in season tickets for 2015. Personally, I feel for you St. Louis, and hope you get to keep your…
October 24 or 25th is the BEST day to have a birthday. It’s a week before a FREE candy extravaganza, so getting a party with presents right before Halloween is amazing. Then it’s exactly, 1 month before Thanksgiving and 2 months before Christmas. Perfectly spacing out your Free foods, candy, and presents from…
I love watching him play, but you’re right that shit is uncalled for. He is going to hurt someone or himself, badly.
Overall, a pretty solid movie for Star Wars fans out there. But, IMO the worst part was his over-use of comic relief. Abrams used this as a crutch to tie back to the original trilogy constantly, which made it seem hokey at times. The “wow factor” of the film probably won’t hold up after more than one or two viewings.
Next Home game at the Ralph:
You guys are really trying to stretch this Billspin thing. This one is just boring and pointless.
Was anyone else surprised by how high his voice is? With big ol’ titties like that I guess it’s only logical.
Well done. +1
This is boring and stupid.