I'd like to see a reality show that involves him speaking half a sentence and then getting the shit pummeled out of him by Honey Boo Boo while she orders him to redneckognize.
I'd like to see a reality show that involves him speaking half a sentence and then getting the shit pummeled out of him by Honey Boo Boo while she orders him to redneckognize.
This is performance art. It has to be, no one can actually be an idiot on this kind of galactic scale.
I'm sorry this has happened to you. I know how stupid that sounds, but I am, it sucks.
Ugh, this is nauseating. Sue the shit out of 'em, Christian.
I don't know, without Pinterest there'd be no Pinterest Fail memes, and that shit cracks me up. (but I still hate Pinterest. Maybe I'm being too Panglossian?)
I think anyone who'd want to kick you out of the feminist club for seeking help for a problem isn't keeping with any spirit of feminism.
So much more awesome than my high school chem class.
I replied to another commenter with a similar response, and I'm really glad to know that there are progressive Catholic schools out there. The friends I grew up with went to Catholic schools that sounded like something out of "Another Brick in the Wall."
"Cooking boner" is such a perfect phrase for it! That pie crust is life-changing, as is their baked ziti recipe. (Although Mr. Denim's and my heads exploded once when they talked up a recipe for pulled pork that involved a broiler and liquid smoke, and claimed to rival any traditional southern smokehouse version. That…
That's exactly what I was aiming for; they have the right to do it, and I have the right to think they're shitheads for doing it.
I do want to be clear that I do think that their policies are discriminatory and fundamentally wrong, and that laws are part of living documents that often can and should be changed; that said, I very strongly believe in rights to religious freedom (as a flaming atheist) and the separation of church and state. That…
You should totally do that. A class with no product placement or other marketing motives would be freaking awesome.
yeah, my home ec experience was pretty much Antiquated Gender Roles 101, though I did learn how to scramble an egg. Luckily I had more opportunities to learn practical skills at home.
I would LOVE it if FCS was revived and integrated into school STEM (science/tech/engineering/math) curricula. There is so much chemistry and hypothesis testing that goes into cooking (just ask the Cooks Illustrated people), and a lot of math involved in recipes, home budgets, sewing from & creating patterns, and all…
That's sounds like a totally awesome school. Most of my frame of reference involves the northeast US, where there's a lot more fear/guilt brimstone and hyporcrisy, so I'm glad to know that I was being too narrow in my assessment.
So, this is a shitty situation. It's also why I'd NEVER send my offspring to a Catholic School, because I don't agree with Catholicism and think that their stance on most social issues is nothing short of deplorable wankery. But are they receiving any public funds, other than a different tax status as a religious…
You're right that it's pure happenstance in that I had nothing to do with picking it out. But it does become part of your identity. If all of your friends suddenly started referring to you by a different name (not a nickname, just something entirely different), it would feel weird to you because that is not the…
Yowzers, that's like the dirty version of the limo driver credited on "Car Talk."
"Translation: My name is part of who I am. To change it would be unthinkable. It would be like giving up my identity. My identity is too important to give up. It would be a sort of death. So here, women, YOU DO IT. His identity supersedes yours. And any desire to maintain your "'single person' identity"—your…