
Two comments to this: 1. Can you even imagine what Krieger's mode of transportation would be in Westeros? I can't, though it would be made of medieval amazingness. 2. Who do you think would play Trudy Beekman? My money's on Lady Olenna.

Blaaggghh! I think I suppressed that. The whole time I was reading the article I thought "Well, it wasn't like this in the book. Just blame whomever at HBO wrote that stupid scene."

You took the words right out of my mouth. Er, keyboard. Fingers. whatever ANYWAYS, I had a furrowed brow during that scene because it was like someone read the Reek parts of SoS and then decided to fashion a high-budget porno out of it. I get that the viewers need to see what a terrible dude Ramsey is without Theon

I've experienced something like what you describe on a number of occasions, typically if I am dehydrated and especially if I'm dehydrated and I haven't eaten anything for several hours. I'd encourage you to see a doctor and have some basic blood work done if you have the means to do so, since it could also be


Send me those shoes, and I'll read your stupid book.


Don't worry, sweetie. One day you too can be this bat-shit crazy.


Well stated.

I dunno, I feel like transfer proteins have been keeping me down for too long.

I was thinking something similar, especially given that the liver is a fatty organ and it stores all manner of fat-soluble molecules for long periods of time. I'd imagine that excess adiposity + damaging effects of excessive alcohol would catalyze liver problems.

Okay, soooo, just kept reading down the thread, and definitely appreciate the retraction. Also, I enjoy your gif immensely.

Yeah, um... I grew up in the northeast, where I heard a more frequent and varied mix of ethnic and racial slurs thrown around in public then I ever have in the decade that I've lived in the deep south. Stereotyping is bad, mkay? It leads to segregated proms and snarky barbs lobbed at the south from the glass houses

Okay, separate from the larger and important debate about strategies to prevent gun violence in schools and other public (and domestic) spaces, and with no accompanying political or policy

I totally agree, what a terrible ordeal for this poor monkey to go through.

Justin Bieber, you are a lousy little motherfucker.

give me a dime (or don't) and i'll tell you you're a sad little idiot.

"Dressing up in a ludicrous summation of an entire people and culture just seems like another crazy risk, getting laughs from your peers for creativity or absurdity," one told us. "It is laced with the subversive, your parents wouldn't approve, you wouldn't put it on your resume, but for awhile 'but it's college!' is

I was surprised too, but mostly because his older brother was apparently wearing a suicide vest when he was taken out.