
Gawd, I knew I would find this in the comments. The fact that it's feminists who are criticizing him the most proves that, once again, feminists are feminism's worst enemies. We say we want allies but I guess by "allies", we mean "silent masochistic punching bags". It's kinda sad when you're just as disgusted by the

FALSE! Having kids only ruins your body is that's what happens to your body. There's no "letting it" or "not letting it." The best you can to is mitigate the damage (for lack of a better word) by eating right, exercising, etc etc etc all that jazz. Bodies are gonna do what they're gonna do, and the control we have

I read this article slowly and with relish ( not real relish, figurative relish). I have always wanted to know what the Vanderpump restaurants are like for the average diner. I feel like I died and went to heaven!


God, if I could kill the phrase "let themselves go" with fire, I would. We all have a limited amount of fucks to give, and sometimes sexual attractiveness falls to the wayside. It's too common and too difficult for so many to avoid for it to be as simple as "letting" something happen.

That would be #5 from the article linked above:

I'm hoping they'll all be too tired from the hard labor.

OKC thread! You ever read a profile and your first reaction is like "Wow, this person is definitely a serial killer..." and then you click away as fast as possible? Just me? Ok.