
As someone who watched my grandmother deteriorate with dementia, I can’t even imagine what it’s like to have a spouse in that condition. It’s got to be emotionally wrenching for him, and I can see why he would want to believe that she’s her old self during periods of lucidity. On the other hand, he was told that she

I’ve always loved this story. It always inspires me as a woman and as a runner, and its great to learn even more about it.

Me neither. He’s gonna see my fucking hands at the concert.


Well aren’t you a special little snowflake??!!

Why would you let your child be this cruel and turn down this poor child’s party? WHY ARE PEOPLE BAGS OF DICKS!?

Gotta be Ally Shapiro!

She should have never been allowed to continue after season one.

“Adoption. Murder. Irresponsible. Whiny etc” Let the comments roll.

I laughed - too true! :p

You know, for all the shit here... I’m just so happy to be able to be such an obnoxious feminist without fear of imprisonment.

Wow, that was extensive! Some of those seemed like a whole lot of nothing, some of those were presented without context (like, was someone like, “I made $6500 this month working at home for Google” and Pinkham was all, “Eat shit and die”? Or was someone like, “Hey, those stats you used are outdated, here is a link to don’t HAVE to read or support his blog.

I’m super liberal and there are several veterans in my husband’s family. What I do is to avoid the topic of war when talking to them. All other topics can be talked about with a veteran, even a conservative one if he is reasonable. I know it isn’t the same situation since my husband is not a veteran and he is liberal

It’s fun to laugh about this stuff now, but back then it was the END OF THE WORLD, wasn’t it?

One of my facebook friends did something similar. She was like “y’all I can’t accept any more friends so I have to create another account.” She’s also been posting her wedding photos one at a time for the last year. Sometimes she deletes then reposts, so they’re always in my newsfeed (or they were until I unfollowed).

Young Ben Affleck starred in that! (I was too old to see it in school, but I worked for a company that used it as a sample digital video in the early 90s.)

I never got the HathaHate. Oh my goodness, a successful actress comes off a little pretentious. Wow, totes unprecedented.

Between 10:55 and 11:01 am I refreshed my Kitchenette page about 90 times as if that would make it pop up more quickly.