
I’m willing to bet this has less to do with Destiny/AAA development and more to do with Activision. Bungie got in bed with the Devil. When that Devil burns you, well...

Awww, you can’t make the sticks white. I was hoping to make a Black with White controller to see what it would look like.

Why did it take you guys so long to defend gamers during the GamerGate fiasco? Yes, there were shitheads on both sides but time and time again you lumped all gamers together under one flag and smeared them with your coverage of the shitstorm. It took a while for you to include a simple “This is being done by a small

Did you not read the article? Firefighters had trouble reaching an apartment fire because of the large crowds. That is literally putting people’s lives and property (the apartment isn’t considered public property) at risk all over a silly little virtual animal. I understand the game is fun and all but people need to

Somebody didn’t read the whole article. This is in response to Microsoft RECENTLY opening the door for cross-platform play. FFXIV launched before Microsoft laid the ground work for their cross-platform capabilities, like a good year or two before. If you haven’t heard (and I wouldn’t be surprised because I haven’t

I mean, it’s a impressive throw and all, but he threw out James fucking Loney. Not exactly speed vs. speed in that match-up.

Oh God, Zenyatta buffs? I am so all over that.

The only people that feel awkward about going to a church to catch a fake monster are fucking morons. I’m not religious but if the game told me I could get more Pokemon at the church across the street, yeah, I’d go. And if I didn’t want to, I’d just ignore it and go somewhere else. No need to throw a little bitch fit

The cons are the respawn timer increasing with each round. 30 seconds may not seem like a lot but when you only have 5 minutes to take down 3 Wardens, spending 30 seconds of it watching your team sprint to the fight (usually to die right away because holy fuck are you always outnumbered, which is the point, I get

It could also be from “bad PS2 game” but hey, go ahead and show your bias some more, it’s fine.

Really hope Togedemaru evolves into some badass looking armadillo or hedgehog or whatever.

Was the first Banner Saga ever GWG? Because I feel really stupid for passing it up if it was.

Is there any reason why the console versions are so laggy? Durig the beta (on X1) I had zero lag in any of my matches but when I play the retail version I’ll get noticeable lag once or twice every other match, if not more often. NAT is open and Overwatch is the only multiplayer game where I have to deal with this. If

Starscream is looking NICE. But I really really really really really really really really really really really really hope this doesn’t do the Uncanny Valley crap the Unicron Trilogy suffered from since this is doing the whole “3D on 2D” thing. The Unicron Trilogy was prettygood story-wise (for the most part...and all

Journalists, what Kotaku claims to be full of, go out and get real stories. They don’t wait for rumors or leaks to fall into their laps and publish speculation pieces based off of those. That’s what a tabloid does. Kotaku is a tabloid. For fuck’s sake, Totilo posts that little blurb about sending in tips about the

You’re glad you ruined the hard work of those men and women? Nice. This is why Ubisoft and Bethesda don’t play with you guys anymore, you realize that, right? Those game reveals you “reported” on took a lot of time and money and hard work to set up and you guys came along and ruined it all without a care in the world

I don’t game on PC so the Xbox Play Anywhere stuff won’t really do me any good (though the option is nice since I go mostly digital nowadays anyway) but this shouldn’t surprise anyone. They pushed that feature hard this conference and it would be weird to see the next Crackdown game NOT have it. Wonder if this means

You mean one reason. Clicks. Well, two. Ruining the hard work of men and women in the industry is another reason. So way to go you guys, woo!

The Scorpio isn’t a new console you fucktard. It’s just a stronger Xbox 1. That’s literally it. Microsoft didn’t just announce a new console generation. There is no “games made for the Scorpio”. It’s just games made for the Xbox 1 console. Take your game and put it in a Scorpio and the game will run at the highest

There is no “developing for the Scorpio”. There’s only “developing for the Xbox family of consoles”. A Scorpio game is going to run on an X1 BECAUSE IT IS AN XBOX 1 GAME. How is that going to divide the player base when the ones that want the best looking version will buy the Scorpio version and the ones that don’t,