
And what’s that supposed to mean? Scorpio is going to give you higher frame-rates and pixel counts. That’s about it. It will allow developers to put more in their games but if I buy a game on X1 instead of Scorpio, I’ll get the same thing except slightly uglier. That’s it.

You obviously didn’t pay attention if that’s what you’re saying. Spencer flat out said all games will be playable on the X1, the X1S, and the Scorpio because they don’t want players being left out of any experience.

There isn’t going to be an “Only on Scorpio” game because that defeats the purpose of intergrating the Xbox family into one group. Spencer even said all games released will be compatible with the X1, X1S, and Scorpio because they don’t want anyone being left out.

Not gonna post the CoroCoro scans “out of courtesy” but ruining the hard work of men and women is A-Okay? Keep up the “great reporting” Kotaku.

Ruining jobs is “great reporting” huh? Cool to know that’s how you look at it.

Kotaku isn’t exactly innocent either. None of the Gawker sites are. Kotaku played the victim over that “blacklisting” from Ubisoft and Bethesda but they failed to acknowledge that those leaks they posted literally ruined the jobs of dozens of people that worked hard on those reveals. Big game reveals don’t just

Lol this game is out already? I knew it was being made but there has been near zero marketing for this. Nice going guys.

It’s possible. They announced not long ago that they are working on making multi-disc games BC. Either working on or figured out how to do it. One of the two. But still, Lost Odyssey could be possible.

G.I. Joe game when? Serioulsy, Platinum has struck a gold mine with these last two games. Thundercats, He-Man, G.I. Joe. Make it happen. If they could get the original Power Rangers too, oh man.

Are ALL of those characters playable? Because some of them are fucking HUGE.

Good job covering harassment aimed at a male. Getting that out of the way, his review isn’t the big issue and I don’t know why people are taking offense at it. Well, I know why Troy Baker would be behind this, ten bucks says he’s got an extra paycheck hanging in the balance based on the game’s Metacritic score and

The beta for this is pretty nice but they need to start introducing the other characters. Still, this and Overwatch should cover the MOBA scene pretty well on consoles. SMITE is doing a great job too.

Skipping Xbox again? I want to give them my money but I guess I won’t again.

Crazy maps and gametypes like this were the norm for Halo 3 and Reach. 4 just had a not-so-great Forge mode so this stuff kinda disappeared. But 5's Forge mode is balls to the wall crazy again.

It’s probably just me but the articulation offered by MegaBlok minifigs is nice and all but something about it seems off. Like it’s loose and fragile. But that’s probably because you can’t really tell how something like that feels by just seeing pics/video of it.

Really? Star Wars gets pretty violent, especially TFA. Harry Potter gets pretty violent towards the end of the series too. DC/Marvel isn’t shying away from violence either. It’s not a bad thought it just seems a bit off. I imagine LEGO didn’t want this because of enemies like the Fallen. How would they make Vandal and

Nothing else to do in the game if you aren’t a PvP player.

Destiny sucks. The foundation is there but the execution is atrociously awful. I said it last time there was a Destiny article I bothered to comment on and I’ll say it again. Thank God for Warframe. That’s what Destiny wants to be. Huge amount of content, solid gameplay (the gameplay in Destiny is also solid, can’t

Is there no sound on the video? I feel like, with all the moving pieces, the sound would be awful. But I also kinda want to watch this with sound. Could be funny.

I need that FemLaw in my life.