
I dropped Destiny for Warframe about 3 weeks ago and it was the best decision I have made. The gameplay in Warframe isn’t as solid as that in Destiny but it’s not exactly fair to compare a 3rd Person Shooter/Hack ‘N Slash to a 1st Person Shooter. One of the biggest reasons for the switch wasn’t the lack of content in

An unfinished game doesn’t run well. Surprise fucking surprise. This is worth an article how?

Odds of a console port?

Does look fun, will have to give it a go when it hits Android. Also, the fuck you doing with 10K Gems? Can...can I have some?

Please stay healthy, please stay healthy, please stay healthy.

Face Chest is my brother’s main (him or Kukulkan) and he does pretty well as him. But I’m a bit like you. When I saw your Sol write-up I was really interested in playing as her and then I did and couldn’t really get a hang of her even though I like her and her abilities. Though with Chiron being out now I’m not sure

You gonna do a Chiron wrtie-up or did I just miss it? Would love to see what you think of him. He’s probably my best God and I’ve played as him the least out of my mains (Loki, Fenrir, Ao Kuang, Odin).

Requistion System used for the new Warzone gametype. Basically, they are card packs that allow you to use power weapons, power-ups (Active Camo, Overshield, Speed Boost) and vehicles in a Warzone match. You can purchase them with real money (the real money used to purchase packs helped increase the prize money for

You probably won’t see this but “tearing apart GameFAQ’s” is a pretty stupid thing to say. Anyone that has spent time there knows this is par for the course. Just look at L-Block winning the Character Battle. A fucking SHAPE. It’s cute that you think you know anything about this contest or how the site works though.

Is the Game Preview Program seperate from the standard Xbox Preview Program? Because my brother and I are looking forward to this to have something to play together and the cheaper price-tag for the Preview Program version would be great.

This is really great looking but I’m waiting on Tru-Force Collectibles to do their take on Zero. I already have their X figure and oh man, it’s so awesome. Worth every penny.

Bought the pack when it was on sale last time (like, 5 months ago maybe?) and haven’t regretted it one bit. There was a huge roster of Gods when I got it and three new Gods have been added since, with another one around the corner. Chiron looks great, can’t wait to play him (I’m on X1 so I’ve got to wait a little bit

I knew about the skin from a few days ago but haven’t gotten around to asking this. How much would it cost to get everything required to unlock this skin? Right now, I’m trying to get the Dragon Knight Ao Kuang skin but if this Thor skin won’t cost TOO much more than getting that, I’ll just go all the way and get both.

I doubt you’ll read this and bother to respond and I don’t know if this point was already made but maybe you wouldn’t get blacklisted if you didn’t ruin all the hardwork the men and women of those PR/Marketing teams put forth to get a game reveal ready? You ever think of that? You ever stop and think that this “big

In other words, we (more specifically the general media) needs to stop making this into a gender issue and focus on the fact that PEOPLE are being harassed, BOTH men and women deal with this every day. What should be done is looking at the people doing the harassing, not the ones being harassed.

We could have as many examples of men being harassed if the media didn’t brush it under the rug most of the time. It literally doesn’t matter if it happens more often to women, harassment is harassment and to act like the harassment one gender gets is worse than the harassment the other gender gets is awful. And

Harassment is harassment and to say the harassment aimed at women deserves more attention is part of the fucking problem. That’s just like saying male domestic abuse victims don’t need much attention because they don’t end up with broken bones nearly as often as femal domestic abuse victims. And that’s a fucking

The point is, the overwhelming narrative in regards to threats and harassment is “It’s not a big deal if it happens to a guy but STOP THE FUCKING PRESSES, THIS WOMEN WAS TOLD TO SHUT UP”. Notice the time this article was posted? 7:30 PM. Not a lot of traffic coming here during Prime-time TV/gaming hours. Also notice

Wait a second. Does this mean that MEN in gaming get death threats and hate thrown their way too? But I thought only WOMEN were subjected to such things? No? Okay then.

Not exactly a “leak” when Major Nelson flat out states which major titles are around the corner...