
It’s kind of funny and sad to see how many people are complaining about this list. Microsoft was very upfront about how the final decision fell with the publisher and whether or not THEY wanted to put the game up for backwards compatibility. I’m sure fan demand will be a factor in the publisher’s decision but at the

I’m really glad Oda started taking one week off a month. His health was getting worse and worse and his recent trip to the hospital is what pushed his editors into allowing this one-week break every month. I fucking love One Piece but his health comes before anything else. I don’t mind waiting another 20 years to get

This was nice. I actually have his Watch_Dogs song on my phone. Pretty good stuff.

If that 60 bucks doesn’t get me every upcoming hero for at least a year they can go fuck off. I don’t mind paying for games, I dropped 30 on SMITE because there were several Gods I wanted to try and the whole “Get every God and upcoming God for one price” thing was too good to pass up. But if they want my 60 dollars

I haven’t read all of the comments on this article but it’s fucking hilarious how anyone that even HINTS at Zoe’s side and the anti-GG crowd as being anything short of Jesus-incarnate are the ones getting attacked and insulted. Stay classy “better side”.

“Worst way”? Nope. Certainly shitty and unfortunate but the WORST way is being on your Lighthouse match (8-0) and being up in the match itself 4-0 only to have the other team cheat as a last resort. I don’t like cheating but it’s going to happen in any competitive game out there so I’ve come to terms with it long ago.