
This kind of passive aggressive nonsense is what I expect from Kotaku, not you guys. Thanks for sinking toa new low.

Is this a good way to get an actual car or is this more for people looking to scrap/flip them?

The problem with the weapon system they came up with is it’s tailored towards the PvP crowd at the cost of the PvE crowd. Which is like what 90% of the updates to Destiny were. Bungie is letting the vocal PvP crowd dictate how the PvE crowd ends up playing. A lot of companies are falling prey to this style of patching

So, is it true that X1 users won’t be seeing the last bit of PS4-exclusive content, snce it was pushed back until Fall 2017? If so, Bungie and Activision sure did a great a job of losing a customer. Obviously my one purchase won’t break their wallets but come the fuck on, that’s such bullshit.

Not to rain on your parade but they probably gave you that win. It’s very unlikely they didn’t have a single spell card they could have used to wipe out your King Tower. Everybody rolls with a Log/Zap/Arrow/Fireball card for moments like this and to add a little extra damage to troops.

I want to get back in to this but none of my friends play anymore, which sucks.

I don’t let cartoon characters rile me up because, and this might shock you, they are CARTOONS. Like, seriously, you are way too offended at Keijo and yet aren’t taking any offense at Free or Yuri on Ice. There’s a double standard there. Both Free and Yuri on Ice are marketed toward women that like seeing cute boys do

You guys really need to start getting this right. Xbox 360 GwG games are 100% free after you get them. You do NOT need an active Gold account to play them, just to get them. The Xbox One games are the ones that require an active Gold account to keep playing.

Anybody remember the shit Microsoft got when they announced the Xbox 1 would double as a cable box? People were saying they didn’t want TV, they wanted games. Remember that? Where are those schmucks now?

I see you browse Imgur. I too browse Imgur. Or Reddit. Or any other of the dozen sites that had these pics up before you. But good job on getting those cleavage clicks, you did it buddy!

Still playing the victim with the whole “blacklist” angle eh? You guys ruined the hard work of dozens of men and women and when the company backing those men and women go to bat for them, you act like what THEY did was wrong? Stay classy.

The difference between this and what Microsoft did with CoD is Microsoft put a 1-month time-frame on their deal. Sony is putting up 6-12 months on theirs. That’s a huge “Fuck you” to everyone that doesn’t have/want a PS4.

Anime about women competing in a legitmate sport and having actual personalities and goals = Bad

You know nothing will change as long as Activision has the final say. Get ready for more year-long “exclusives” and missing out on content. Get ready for having content cut so they package it as DLC. This game made them A LOT of money. They aren’t going to change a damn thing.

It’s been mentioned once already but you guys need to make sure you let people know the 360 games are free, not “free”. Like, 100% free, download them and even if your XBL Gold runs out you still have the games. Only the X1 games are “free” and need a currently active XBL Gold subscription. This isn’t the first time

Holy shit, I never, NEVER, would have guessed the Tokyo Game Show is actually in Tokyo. Thank you so much Jason, for such wondeful and eye-opening journalism. By the way, you having fun blocking people on Twitter for having a different opinion than you?

That fucking Dark Souls cosplay, holy shit.

Where the hell is my 80's style training montage of Zenyatta and Genji?

Watching Sony fans get Molyneux’d is fantastic. There are a few lessons to be learned here. One is the best lesson that Dowling states. Devs need to keep their mouths shut about features that aren’t in the game and working as intended. The other lesson is fans need to curb their expectations. Is Murray at fault for a

Are these the people making that Dark Souls board game? Because I want to buy that just for the figures and this is giving me similar feelings. Damn those are nice looking pieces.