
jesus christ you are right

These are awesome but man...that Goofy is just completely disturbing. Is he wearing condoms on his fingers??

I read Jalopnik for CARS, and other semi related subjects.

And yet he's had many of the best matches of his career in the last five years!

Remember his whole biker phase? Glad that's over.

If he retired 5 years ago, he wouldn't have had his pair of Wrestlemania matches with Shawn Michaels or his match with CM Punk last year. You know, the ones that are widely considered among the greatest matches in recent history.

I don't kick it often, but when I do I kick it old-school(ish)

Now playing

Track: Battle Flag | Album: How To Operate With A Blown Mind | Artist: Lo Fidelity Allstars featuring Pigeonhed

I have read that treatment and the idea of the Village People as the evil mirror version of KISS is so utterly brilliantly logical that it makes you weep at its genius.

I get that the character hasn't become the full Deathlok, but that vest is horrible. Younger people probably never saw the original Lazer Tag stuff, but the vest on the show looks just like cheesy 1980's design (not that the original Lazer Tag wasn't cool, it's just that the accessories left something to be desired).

Wait what you can't end this story there

So awesome, finally a band that I love to death on kotaku. Had a crazy party with the singer once. He's the only black heavy metal fan I know. Thanks a lot for that!!!!

Can I pay them in Bitcoin?

I always wanted to be a G.I Joe. Or Axel from SOR2, or Goku, or Kenshiro. Also Vectorman.

These are all about as unrealistic as Barbie.

I never questioned anyone's worth. I just posted a picture that I found awhile ago that fit the topic.

"Ok, ask child psychologists."

Here you go

Marvel: Loki (movie version)