
I saw Fast Five last night with a bunch of my car-whoring friends, and even if you're not a fan of B.A. to the V.A. gina cars and Brazilian chicks wearing hot pants, you'll dig the CRAZY action. I'm gonna play me some Mortal Kombat this weekend and try to get D's in my psychology classes. If you smell what I'm

You sir, are correct. Fast Five was the start of a long line of summer blockbuster-watching for me, and it rocked my face.

Classy. Looks like a Maxtor external hard drive, (the one that looked like the monolith in planet of the apes.)

Florida is a no-go for online Mortal Kombat as of 9:24 ET, switching to GOW3 Beta.

Damnit Magic!


Dear Mr. Ashcraft, from those of us who are too broke to see it in person, I offer a collective thank you. Regards, -Corb

The new Wagonchrist album, "Toomorrow", Tron:Reconfigured, and the new FOO!

Wow. What a total waste. I remember getting e-mails for this, and thinking how lame their "quests" were. No wonder it's getting canned.

I think this movie looks like a fun way to kill a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon, and I think my complexion is pretty decent for an Xbox fiend.

Well said.

Dude, I'm right there with you. I've actually found that the mission mode in MvC 3 has helped a lot with my combos. Granted, I'm not gonna set the online world on fire, but I'm getting better. Digging SSFIV again, since playing MvC3, too!

All I can say is that at least he didn't stab someone like Ray Lewis, or rape women like Ben Roethlisberger. He's done the time he was sentenced, and he 's putting rear ends in seats, so why the heck not. My vote goes to Aaron Rodgers though. He, "put the Pack on his back."

This game is much more than fatalities. The fighting system is more refined, the visuals are top notch, and there is more content packaged on this disc than you can shake a stick at. I can't wait to get my grubbies on this title.

Terrible news. Last I checked on CNN, the death toll was well over 50. The frequency with which these disasters are happening is startling. Sumatra experienced one in 2004, and more recently there have been over 10 tsunami events in the last 2 years. If you live in California, there is a storm surge warning, and they

I'm okay with it. Neither the old arcade cabinets or the SNES/Genesis versions had roster updates that I can remember. As long as NBA2K doesn't start pulling this, I'm good.

"My not-quite-2-year-old daughter now says BOOM SHOCK-A-LOCKA!! all the time."

that was different... in a very cool way. nice.

Dr. Dre's classic, "The Chronic". Absolutely magnificent.

Yes, bring the pain. I'm all for it, but what's up with the demo of Mortal Kombat that was supposed to be out on PSNetwork today?