
Man I hope this place does well. It's like looking into the late 80's/early 90's seeing these pictures. That's how long it's been since there was an arcade where I live.

I suck at video games in general that require lightning fast, long button inputs. I can play Reign in Blood on the guitar, but I can't win an online SFIV match to save my life. What the hell?

Yowza. Like the way this one is shaping up!

Valid points, and definitely something to ponder while on the job today. Nice work!

Unbelievably beautiful ink, and a great way to pay tribute to some of the games we all know and love. Kudos.

Picked this up for 39.99 at Kmart along with NBA JAM for 29.99, and have yet to break them open. I'm looking forward to getting some quality time with both though, and 3 new cars would be a cherry on top.


I like gore. I like metal. This would probably be a good way for me to kill some brain cells. Not productive, but then do I really care?

@RascalkingTK: Good luck with your personal fitness goals, I am sitting at my computer right now because I'm sick, and can't go to the gym. It's been 2 days and I'm about to go shitty crazy.

@bigdude209: Gran Turismo 5 is in some ways not as polished as you would expect (tracks, some cars). HOWEVER, the game as a whole is completely and totally rad with a capital R. Just as good as Forza 3, with a slight edge in some of the car selections and design.

I love GT5, and when I say love, I mean warm and fuzzy/soft and wet love it, BUT, nothing compares to getting in the drivers seat of my Honda Si and winding up the RPM to about 6 grand on a straight stretch of road, or perhaps going for a drive with a couple of other motorists.

I didn't get to revel in Black Friday's frugal goodness, because my employer won't pay us every two weeks. He says, "it complicates the bookkeeping." FML

Dude, that is totally what I do every morning to my computer monitor at work, except I give it a hammer fist to the top of it.

It could be worse... it could be NBA Elite 11... and I could be on fire. I'm so gonna buy this game regardless of when it comes out.

Holy Balls. I cannot wait for this to be released. It looks like the game that Lament of Innocence should have been. Props for that Super Castlevania heat in the beginning, too.

Another case of having to walk on eggshells, so as not to offend ANYONE. Gay, straight, black or white. Everyone takes offense to something at some point in time, I don't think it always merits an apology though.

That was freaking rad. I would totally buy that as a downloadable game.

He kinda has that Sid Vicious look, which I think is cool. But who am I to judge, I haven't even finished DMC3 and DMC4.

Here is your argument for video games as art. A very high form of art, at that. Totally stoked they're going to re-release Ico and SOTC in HD. I missed 'em on PS2.

Yes. Yes, this is good. Do this game developers, please. Poseur Pete and Aggro Eddie need a revival.