Corban Anderson

A gun is a tool. While it can be used for many things, it's primary design was for dropping another human being. Some guns are designed to drop multiple human beings in a short time or cut through any defense that human being may have. If you take a gun class you are taught basically three things, how to shoot a

It's a "Pak"! As in a Pakistani.

Having the name "Evel" is about as bad-ass as it gets.

The one thing Weuve misses the point on is distance, tactical distance. Aircraft operate from bases. The aircraft have a limited range of operation and without a carrier, can only operate so far. The carrier creates a portable base so the aircraft can be utilized from practically anywhere you can place the carrier.

Oh great, I'll have to update my collection of Princess Leia action figures when Lucas cashes in on this.

When the guy at the counter refused to take the money only because he would have to unfold them I would have reminded him that he's a public servant and to also get me a glass of water.

Please read The God Delusion if you plan on "coming out". There are no real Atheists on the fence such as an "Agnostic Atheist", you either are or you're not and saying you're an Atheist is a very conscious choice. One can't claim to believe or be open to a cosmic person on any level that can manipulate anything and

One has to give props to the fact that one of the pictures contains two virtual characters, Tron and Max Headroom. Sorry, but that's frakin' brilliant.

So does this mean they can't sell the Bible anymore?

Nobody prior to the breaking of the sound barrier thought that doing so would have been possible and nobody could have foreseen the physics that make it possible. Someone just did it, then they figured out how it works. I don't think it's improbable that one day we will break the FTL barrier the same way, it's just a

This is BS. Blake literally took over the Batman mantle. The one creed that the movie breaks is Bruce Wayne letting someone else be Batman, that would never happen. This movie however wanted to put it's own unique twist on Batman and it worked.

The best line out of SW intentional or not is "You came in that thing, you're braver than I thought?!"

I don't know why so-called fans criticize this game. Overall, this is some redeeming stuff to add to the Star Wars universe that those on top have failed to do. It was made by those who do the grunt work physically creating Star Wars, not those who just make the money.