Maybe I am a terrible person, because I still finds this hilarious.
Maybe I am a terrible person, because I still finds this hilarious.
Kids would fucking love to drink bleach if you let them!!! Jeez. I’ve never really cared for Sea World. I went twice when in my teens and I just felt uneasy. Watching all the animals do tricks just left me kinda sad. I posted this story on my FB yesterday and added that people shouldn’t go to Sea World. Maybe I should…
They can pry my hope for Bernie Sanders from my cold, dead, liberal hands.
Legitimate question, Jezzies: I have a rather ~extreme~ idea about wild animals in captivity, especially highly intelligent ones. What if the deal was; we euthanize all the captive animals NOW, then immediately shut down all the zoos/aquariums, never to repeat this folly. What do you all think?
If there is a hell, I hope that for these people it is being in a small, cement room with one wall a giant window. The room is empty, no toys, no food, no stimulation of any kind. Once or twice a day a crowd gathers by the window and they’re forced to do tricks to earn some McDonalds chicken nuggets. That is their…
I think these kids have a legitimate case. Mom coming to school and embarrassing you in front of everyone isn’t the same as an unflattering pic being posted online, up for grabs for anyone to see and share, documented for eternity. As an adult, I hate getting my picture taken. I just don’t like it. But I'm an adult…
I really liked that bit. Donald Glover’s not perfect, but I think he gets it.
I would watch an entire show of Martha just dissing stuff.
I wish we didn’t give these young male athletes such an inflated since of self importance like we seem to do. This whole rhetoric of banding together with their brother and whatnot...please, you play college basketball, there’s honestly few things less important than that.
In Bertolucci’s the Dreamers the brother and sister have a menage a trois with a good-looking friend. Is this what you are insinuating, Lorde? You don’t have to say anything. Just scowl if I’m right.
So which is the fishy thing? That he made a clock, that the story got picked up by the national media after the Dallas Morning News published it, that they decided to move to Qatar after having a particularly bad experience in the state of Texas, or that the 16yo kid doesn’t take media interviews without his parents?
someone on twitter posted something to the effect of:
Habitat for Huge Manatees.
LOL You’re advocating thinking more carefully about who will be a good partner, dad, mom, before making babies? Surely you jest!
It kind of sucks that of all characters, Noah was the one who didn’t have an arc.
(I’ll show myself out, thanks.)
I love you because I am you. I am not above acting like a complete idiot to get my way. I was a window seat on a flight once and the dude in the middle seat kept manspreading into my zone, with his large hands perched atop his knees. As soon as the seatbelt light went off, I dropped my tray. When it stopped 75% of the…
Or we can be adults and not encourage any kind of animal exploitation... Ever.
Can we knock it the fuck off with the ‘Sander’s supporters are naïve and think he’s magic socialist Santa Claus who will enact his entire platform with a wave of his magic wand’ narrative? Seriously. Like, we fucking understand political reality. We know that a good portion of Sander’s platform is going to be…
Two of these assaults took place on the bus.