
As a fellow Washingtonian, I salute you in your endeavor to swim on our frigid beaches. I believe helgaperez gets the credit for the legging discovery though :)

Only androids

He didn't realize the toilet paper was perforated into sheets, and was just going to cut off some.

... why would you bring a knife into the bathroom just because? Was he planning to, perhaps, julienne some carrots while he was in there? Mince some onions? Cut some tile he was planning to lay?

The picture is amazing but oh my god, the pain on his face when he is restrained :-(


Oh, look, more evidence of Amber’s abuse people won’t admit as legit because they think Gone Girl is the most common scenario in society, instead of an entitled angry addict becoming violent towards a woman. Now it makes sense why she was carrying her laptop while leaving her lawyer’s office. Wonder who will get the

I don’t support zoos, horse races, sea parks, circuses, bullfighting or anything where animals are abused and tortured for entertainment purposes. All of these people going to gawk at a gorilla and then freak out when a human falls into the cage and the gorilla behaves like a gorilla. I find it disgusting that in this

Yeah, I'm posting this on every Amber Heard update. Deal with it.

I kind of hate Rainn Wilson.

I agree with you that the charges against him are too punitive. However, I’d also like to charge his parents for the crime of Parental Fail.

In as much as a traumatized girl can consent. I agree I don’t want their lives ruined over this but with that many boys in the bathroom she wasn’t going to be able to stop the encounter if she wanted to. The boys videotaped it and need to be punished for that aspect of it.

Cool, so the security guard assaulted himself, the hotel room trashed itself, Winona Ryder misremembered things to Natalie Portman, Kate Moss ripped up photos of herself in a fit of jealousy, all those beers drank themselves and then went on television and drunkenly stumbled through that speech, the car drove itself

I respect her so much. She has some very biting things to say about purity culture in general and it is wonderful.

Off-topic: Life can be depressing. However, I have discovered that there is a live walrus cam you can watch every day this summer.

This is possibly the lowest rent thing Gwyneth has ever done. Default divorces are incredibly common among people with minimal assets. They don’t have money to fight over shit, or pay lawyers to fight over shit, so they come to an agreement, one party files a petition that contains the terms they’ve agreed to, the

my first crush was Kirk Cameron. imagine my disappointment

I'm on the side of being glad they are no longer reproducing with each other. So... Team Humanity?

I feel the complete opposite. Something about both of them gives me a vibe of low-key craziness. I feel like you’d start the night doing pedis and drinking sangria and end the night on mescaline neck deep in some weird hippie mudbath situation that Shailene brought up. I’d want to see where it went, is what I’m saying.