
Uh, "merica"?

You're so brave, digitally.

Keep censoring my comments. inaccurate cowards.

Ya sure about that headline? How many ads "in history" have you seen? What hyperbolic clickbait bullshit.

People who've worked in advertising their whole lives just, ya-know, know that these ads are always fake. Always. But hey, you got the pageviews, so fuck accuracy, integrity, etc.

That's right, censor my legit comments, "journalists". Harrington's ad is about about one thing: making Harrington and his sneaks look ultra cool. There is no fashion advertising "parody". It is middle of the road, safe fashion advertising.

That's not "parody" This is:

It's looks like a parody campaign.

Add: "RTFN" and all such abbrevs.


Well well, more ageism from a fucking Millennial. How novel. Fuck you.

Are you really "very scared"?

But it has "X" in the name, so Wang had no choice but to use overt sex.

Met her, petted her.

Chinese restaurant around the corner is is closed (WTF?), so I'm eating ramen, drinking, and watching Netflix.

Bragging about your balls is a gay man's birthright, gotcha.

She is a walking ad for Trying Too Hard.

Douchebag-neck t-shirt.

If a hetero man wrote it, your colleagues would have skewered him. Double standards, pal.