
I’m telling you, I’ve got the best of both worlds!”

Breastfeeding can cause contraction that could lead to miscarriage.

Both of my demon spawn - errrr I mean, lovely children - started biting at 13 months. So 12 1/2 months would have been perfect for us.

It’s not abnormal. Babies eat solid food too. I breast fed my son until he was two, but by that age it was just a morning and evening thing; he ate regular meals, snacks and also drank cow’s milk. I am currently still nursing my 14 month old daughter, a little more frequently than twice a day, but she eats meals and

For some. Kids are totally into food and drinking from cups at that point. They don’t need breast milk at that age, but it’s still a bonding/comfort thing. For me, it's mostly a lazy thing, because it's the fastest way to get my 20 month old back to sleep at 3am! :)

The APA recommends breast feeding until age 1 and the WHO recommends it until age 2. A lot of women in the US don’t make it that long because of the way our maternity leave is structured, but this isn’t something that’s unhealthy or super weird.

I only made it six months and every day was excruciating, but I have friends that breastfed their kids until about 3. It’s part of attachment parenting and it’s supposed to calm kids down when they’re upset, keep boosting immunity, all sorts of good stuff.

The WHO recommends breastfeeding for 24 months. After six or so months, many add solid foods to the diet. “Normal” should be what works for mom and baby and nothing to do with what onlookers think.

I took this to mean that Planned Parenthood helped Jennifer to control her reproductive life. This allowed her to focus on her goals and ambitions, which may have been set aside for an unplanned pregnancy.

As a woman who became pregnant as a teen because I lived in the same kind of household and did not have access to PP and as someone who has gone on to have children intentionally as an adult I don’t find anything about her statement to be even remotely confusing or in any way insulting to mothers. And I don’t even

I think she saw what they were going for and said no, I haven't had an abortion. Obliquely.

I think your reading was poor.


I think she’s implying that it would have been much harder to have made it in her particular field had she become pregnant in high school, and she gives PP credit for helping her get around the limitations of her Jesus house in order that she could have responsible, safe sex.

I'm not even sure I'd say her wording was poor. She pretty much said she did normal teen sex stuff and was able to get birth control so she never had to have an unwanted pregnancy and she's where she is now in part because of that.

What is the confusion? It’s pretty easy to understand what she means.

I don't think she meant that. I read it as, she would not be a successful actress had she been a teen mom - which is probably true.

I disagree, your logic is poor. “A and B” does not mean “If not A then not B.”

If one of your criteria for your own success is not having to parent a child in your 20s (and that is certainly one of mine) then you can’t. She doesn’t have to be demeaning mothers here, just saying that being a mother wouldn’t have matched her plans.

I hate that there’s a need for this, but HELL YES to these women. I want to look up each and every one of their businesses and find ways to support them.