
Not talking about voters...

It’s really easy to vote for something when you know it has zero chance of passing. That allows you to look like you give a shit while not alienating any potential voters who are on the fence in your next campaign.

No, I think this really is a third rail. Democrats say words but I’ve yet to see them really join forces to make meaningful changes with gun control policies. I like to believe that they would do something good about guns, but I’m pretty sure they will cower when the time to vote actually arrives.

Yea, no. If you choose to violate the constitution, barricade yourself inside your home and refuse lawful orders, you are asking for it. Absolutely no reason for peacekeepers to die over some assholes gun fetish.

Well, participating in a reality show and actually living the life of the working poor are two completely different concepts.

Also, for someone that got their panties twisted around their tiny ball sack about words, you are fucking horrible with spelling and word usage.

False. Try again.

Oh gun shows absolutely allow private citizens to set up in many states. I like that you continue talking out of your ass and still offer no data to back up your bullshit claims.

Oh I know I’m fine as hell for an old, retired cop.

Gun show checks claim is not true. 60 days is more than reasonable. AR-15’s are more marketed as home defense, but are highly ineffective for that purpose compared to shotguns.

I just treat trolls like trolls. Sorry that you came to a liberal site, posted some absolute bullshit, and got called out for it. It must suck being you, but breaks over and those fries won’t serve themselves, so get back to your customers.

You just continue to prove my point.

Nope. Fuck calm is just the same as fuck you. It’s not our fault you ate the paint chips as a child.

Enjoying getting your shit pushed in because you’re a fucking idiot? Cool. You be you.

I own guns too. You know what I would do if the constitution were changed? Obide by the law. If you don’t want to abide by the law? Fuck it. Any means necessary then.

Dude, don’t you have customers and dinner plans?

Sure. Just Do It was a fucking failure because no one specifically spelled out what “it” is.

You ever meet someone and think, “that’s the god damned sperm that won?!?” That’s what we think of you.

That’s stupid, BigTop. The last time I checked, I can’t walk into a school with my voter ID card and slay 20 people. The long term consequences of my vote could lead to the candidate using the military to kill people, but those are entirely different things.

First you go to the registered list and request the guns. Who collects them? Law enforcement. Want to barricade yourself in your home and refuse? I say burn it down. Especially if the collection occurs after a constitutional amendment. Don’t like it? You can die in that house with your precious guns.