i’m doubting his hairline, comayo.
i’m doubting his hairline, comayo.
“If I’m on the same court as my son in the NBA. That would be No. 1 in my lifetime as an NBA player.”
Perhaps not Obama, but someone very prominent needs to try to stop Trump from getting away with the biggest political conspiracy in history. Since January, Trump’s approval ratings have gone back to peak levels with Republicans (87%) and are rising with Mormons (closing in on 70%). This signals that Trump is going to…
I agree it’s got downsides but so does appointing judges for life and making them unaccountable to anyone or anything.
“I know why the caged bird sings.”
-Melania Trump
Is this a Canadian thing?
Racist fuck creates burner just to post racist shit and argue about it for over and hour. You get your Breitbart star for the day.
Once is a mistake, twice is pattern. Val was right, Tom Cruise is a fucking asshole.
I guess I don’t really C what the B D is.
The same reason it’s up to women to fix gender inequality: It can’t fucking happen without the people who have the power (and don’t want anything to change).
You understand in the senate the bill could not have passed (due to the use of the filibuster) if the 16 Democratic senators voted “yes”, right? So the fact the gop has a bare majority in the house and senate and controls the presidency doesn’t absolve the Democratic legislators who voted for this bill. Those…
Definitely Smashmouth.
What do you guys think he’s listening to
Wonder if a series of inch or so high, shallow angle diagonal speed humps that are ~4’ long would do it. At 40 you may not even notice it, but at 60 it should be enough to start the white knuckle process.
If you can’t law the kids into not speeding, make it impossible to drive that fast on that road.
Are you kidding me? You think this is on her?
very first post is victim blaming. good fucking job.