Cop Rock Fan

It’s really important, in the wake of this, that we make note of and signal boost this message: Glenn Beck said as much a month ago. Now Samantha Bee is cuddling him in an attempt at coalition building.

‘Ethics in Journalism’ is a red herring, whether it’s liberals pretending that “fake journalism” decided the election or alt-right nerds pretending that feminists writing for hobbyist sites is some kind of big deal.

Nah, I’m not the OP. We’re just burners with the same default avatar.

They did a video that made fun of the Ghostbusters Reboot, basically really belaboring the point that it’s possible to criticize it without that criticism being rooted in sexism.

This year, high school jocks peacefully protested racist police violence by kneeling during the national anthem. Meanwhile, nerds unironically got really into GamerGate and the Alt-Right.

I feel sorely tempted to hang around outside gossip-site offices with a megaphone, just repeating ALL ABOUT EVE WAS NOT A DOCUMENTARY

That’s not a snowstorm. That’s a light sprinkling.

Every revolution is possible because people who have power (and these people are usually, though not always, straight men of a majority racial identity) condone or support it. Whether they’re military leaders, or radicals in the legislature, or foreign governments that support it for the sake of their own foreign

That’s not a plot twist- it was originally planned that Westeros would be revealed, in an inside-joke, to be the medieval fantasy land- MedWorld or FanWorld or whatever- to Westworld’s Western land.

In the countries that “do it”, either the Queen is the head of state (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Grenada, Barbados, Papua New Guinea, etc) or they have a separate President (IE Germany, France, etc) who has the right and responsibility to exercise certain powers to empower or obstruct the Prime Minister and the

Agreed! The bigger waste is ‘modernizing’ the NHS. Every few years it gets ‘modernized’ which means blowing bigger and bigger chunks of its budget on expensive and inefficient equipment buys and bureaucratic overhauls that drain money from actually providing healthcare!

It’s to preserve the legitimacy of government and the unitary power of the Prime Minister for one thing. If they did it like a proper country they’d have to have an elected president who would actually have a mandate to exercise the same powers that the Queen doesn’t exercise. Plus, as the post notes, the Queen gets

It’s almost as if he has a unique insight into why these camps are totally useless... can’t think of why though.

It’s almost as if he has a unique insight into why these camps are totally useless... can’t think of why though.

Just get Howard Chaykin to do a UK version of American Flagg.